April 30, 2012
Crimson Trace LG 301 is being added to my Guardian 45. I'm like Steve, the old eye's can't keep up and it will help with the proper trigger control. They say use of the laser and open sights are recommended. So by adding the laser, you get an added low light sight and a tool to help with your sight picture through trigger pull, live or dry fire.
I'm looking forward to its arrival and use. I'll report on the use as soon as it gets here and I put it to work.
January 24, 2009
Gosh....it's been four months since the last reply to this thread....I'm going to revive it.
I recently picked up a very cool 1911. A CBob! I've never owned a DW 1911 before...only shot one (this one while it was my buddy's gun).
My friend is moving back east and asked me to take his 1911 and Ruger Gunsite Scout....which I did. The "Dan" as he calls the CBob is not going anywhere....it's found a new home!!
As a side note...a month ago another good friend asked to buy my only 1911... SA 1911-A1...so I've been 1911-less for about 35 days....not a huge problem for me because long ago I'd evolved into a wheel-guy...but the voice in my head kept telling me two things...No.1 - Every home needs a 1911. and No.2 - If I look long enough, maybe I will find a "Dan" like my buddies!
Well, both "voices" were got answered this past week! Here are a few pics.
January 24, 2009
January 24, 2009
June 5, 2008
Love those bobtailed DW's like my Razorback. Seems 002 is sitting finished except test firing do to lack of ammo. It will also be a one of a kind factory RZ because of Bobtail and it's 38 Super instead of 10mm. For those not informed of 38 Super has standard velocity with 130gr ball of1250fps since 1929 and are still loaded to that standard although with the improvement in case construction velocities in 1350fps to 1450fps are easy to do today and with special built race gun like a friends runs a 125gr to 1550-1600fps. He also does a 147gr HC lead bullet to about 1200fps, he's a comp shooter and guards his reloading formulas very closely.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian
June 5, 2008
Happy days, they got ammo and test fired gun and Friday were to start the polishing and laser engraving. I guess it should be headed to new home sometime this week.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian
Dans Club
February 22, 2009
Dans Club
DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010
Dans Club
February 22, 2009
June 5, 2008
rwsem said
Kroil and shoot....
No thanks, Mili-Tec 1 for me. Also I do not go shooting during Midwestern thunder boomers. Been struck twice, third time might not be charm.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 9, 2009
June 5, 2008
Supermagfan said
Very nice Super there Waldo, thanks for sharing it. I have a special like for the Super's myself.
Thanks Supermagfan. It's my 4th but 3rd I still have. I had a Taurus 38 Super bought new for $400 but got rid of it because it was swelling cases bad from oversized chamber and Taurus said it was normal tolerance if cases were not sticking. Told them to stick it where sun don't shine and I would never buy another Taurus after I sold this one.
New Model M-715 Pistol Pack
Bob Tail RZ 10mm - Bob Tail RZ 38 Super by Keith @ DW - DW 38 Super Guardian
January 6, 2015
I got out to my local range with my Patriot. Played around using reading glasses to improve my overall accuracy. My 54 year old eyes are a little fuzzy without help. The 1.25s help tune in the sites and I can see the target well enough to keep the groups reasonable. But the 50 ft stuff still needs help. My distance vision isn't too bad, so I may try 1.00s to see if can split the difference.
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