December 19, 2018

I like the Guardian's grips, and sights
I like the rail on the Specialist.
Because this will be a trail and wilderness camping defensive weapon, the Specialist has appeal because I can attach a light. If that is not important, then I'll get the Guardian.
I have no experience with Dan Wesson. Based on the specifications, both seem to be superb pistols.
The Guardian has more appeal, if it only had a rail.
Your insight will be appreciated.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Easy decision, get both.
For your described use, seems you answered your own question, you need a rail for a light so the Specialist would be the choice. BTW, I love mine.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

July 2, 2019

What is your main purpose for the pistol? Are you planning to carry it? The Guardian would be your choice. Home defense? Get the Specialist.
Dan Wesson Pistols
ECP .45
Specialist Commander Black .45
Vigil Government .45
Other Firearms
SIG MK25 9mm
SIG P220 .45
SIG 1911 Navy Compact .45
Smith and Wesson M&P Sport II

July 2, 2019

I'm planning on going with the Guardian myself, but that's what suits my needs. It also comes chambered in 38 Super, but that's also my preference. Guardian is also less expensive. If you need a rail on your firearm, then the Specialist would be the way to go. It's a tough choice, but I don't really think you can go wrong with either. Personally, and I'm definitely not alone in saying this, I think DW is making the best factory 1911s on the planet right now.
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