May 27, 2017

I've had an irrational, dysfunctional love/hate relationship with 1911's during the last 40 years. Just when I think I've gotten over it and can finally move-on, one always seems to come along that I can't live without.
I was at my LGS last week to look at a Zev Glock 17 Dragonfly. I had to see for myself what a $1500 Glock really looked like. Polymer guns never had much appeal until I shot a friend's Glock 17 a couple of years ago and since then I've added a Steyr, Walther PPQs in 9mm and .45 and currently have a deposit on an FN 509. Yeah, I like 'em but I know not everyone does. I didn't think any striker-fired pistol's trigger could come close to either a good 1911's or an older S&W revolver's but I was wrong. To the skeptics I can only say: try a Walther PPQ. It made me a believer.
But, the 1911 is sentimental to me. It always will be. It was the first pistol I learned how to shoot, field strip, maintain, and qualify with on an annual basis. My first was a roached-out, Korean War vintage 1911A1 that my unit's armorer and I restored to its original glory. I've probably gone thru a dozen or more since then but this is my first Dan Wesson.
I'll let you know how it shoots after I bring it home next week.
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