Courtesy of Dusty Trail below are links to some documents from 1978:


January 24, 2009

December 17, 2008

My pleasure.
DW had some great innovations back then!
There is an ol' boy out here in Beaumont that advertises on GB new old stock Hogue exotic wood & walnut DW blanks that you can still buy - IMHO they are a bit pricey, but they are there and I think they are original.
I would like to see full document packages from as many years as possible on our file tab, that way anyone could print original chronologically accurate documents to go with their fine Dan Wesson pistol or pac. There is also the opportunity to turn up and post highly informative and unique historical factory communications like the '76 letter that Rash had. Treasure!! Information you could never find otherwise. We need as much of that as we can find!!
If we are lucky Seth, jr. might come up with some chestnuts we can add to the site.
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