I would like to let everyone know that Seth Wesson Jr. has join our forum. He is the grandson of Dan Wesson. He has been gracious enough to offer to answer questions for us if he can from time to time.
So if you have any questions you would like to ask Seth please post them in this forum. Thanks again Seth for joining!
I went to my parent's tonight and we started talking about some Dan history, and your
forum. They have a 15' x 4' x 4' "tomb" of Dan Wesson records from D. B. Wesson Co.
Inc. ( Tool and Die Company ) 1948-1972, to Dan Wesson Arms, Division of D. B.
Wesson Co. Inc. (a prototype shop in Conn. that also Imported Bruno shotguns and air
rifles) 1966- not sure yet. to Dan Wesson Arms Co. Inc.
Thanks to Jody we will probably be sorting out this stuff for everyone to know. Including myself.
P.S. Seth Sr says he has a prototype Black Powder Dan Wesson and the first Carl Lewis
prototype. Ill try to get pics soon
Thanks to everyone interested,
Seth Jr

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Seth- Not to pry, but is the family (and the DW " Archives Tomb") in the Mass/CT area? If so, and you need help on the grunt work of sorting, give a shout, I'm in Central CT.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

February 20, 2008

Seth, glad to know that :someone:" may have some of the old 'stuff' from back then, often wondered where it all went, I worked with and for your grandpa back in the 70's doing his warranty repair work, at our shop in Cleveland ,Ohio and may have met your Dad, Seth during this time or at one of the trade shows , I recalll it was in Chicago at McCormick Place (NSGA??)...anyway,good luck with the "search" and our best to you and the family in this New Year............

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

May 17, 2010

A warm welcome from the south! It is very generous of you to offer to give us insights into one family's world. If I recall aright it was then your mom and dad that made another go with DW guns, and in time for me to re-purchase a new pistol pack (having sold everything I had to finish school). So to them I owe a great debt.
I dont know that I specific questions.. as I just have nothing to base a question on. Things pop up which begs a question.. but I suspect that answers are more complicated than would at first be suspected.
For instance: a while back we were thrilled to see some very rare models of DW's pop up and be purchased.... in Europe. Which begs the question of how so many otherwise rare Dans would end up so far from home.
I think the inside story of how your grandfather, the sale of S&W and how that motivated him to make his own would be a very good read. Maybe its out there already, but I have not seen it. What I have read made very sure to "not say" anything about relationships and personalities that occurred at the sale.
Welcome to DFW!
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B


DWF Supporters
October 14, 2010

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