October 6, 2019

Hello everyone. My DW 40 silhouette has a strange action. I need to cock the hammer back very briskly in single action to get the cylinder to rotate correctly. If not the cylinder will fail to rotate and jam up. My question is, is this normal for this revolver? I know it is a big a$@ cylinder so it takes more momentum to turn it but I've never had one to compare it too. If anyone knows what the issue is, if any please let me know where to look. Everything looks fine to me, but I'm far from a gunsmith. Double action works fine although I do get "cylinder overthrow" once in a while, again if I dont cycle it briskly. Thanks in advance.


DWF Supporters
June 11, 2016

No, that is not normal. There are articles on how to tune up your large frame. If it was me I would contact Bob Collins at Dan Wesson.

May 3, 2011

Billy 357 said
Hello everyone. My DW 40 silhouette has a strange action. I need to cock the hammer back very briskly in single action to get the cylinder to rotate correctly. If not the cylinder will fail to rotate and jam up. My question is, is this normal for this revolver? I know it is a big a$@ cylinder so it takes more momentum to turn it but I've never had one to compare it too. If anyone knows what the issue is, if any please let me know where to look. Everything looks fine to me, but I'm far from a gunsmith. Double action works fine although I do get "cylinder overthrow" once in a while, again if I dont cycle it briskly. Thanks in advance.
I have a 1860, .44 cal. Black powder pistol. It does that. If you pull the hammer back slowly it doesn't line up perfectly. Its a timing problem with mine. It can spit lead back at you if its not lined up perfectly. It shaves a little off the bullet on the barrel cone.
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