March 18, 2012

I have been looking for a Dan Wesson 375 Supermag for years. I had never seen one in person and the ones online were always out of my price. I happened into a gun shop in Tennessee and found this one in the used case. It is in great shape with the exception of a couple spots of worn bluing where it looks like it was carried in a holster. The price was what one would have paid for it new in 1987! Since finding the revolver I was able to find a second blued barrel online and the 2nd shroud was from EWK. I also got the wrench from Eric. I bought a used set of 375 Win dies and converted them to work with the Supermag cartridge. I also bought a Lee factory crimp did for 375 Win and converted it as well. It shoots very well. I had plenty of 375 Win brass and converted some to 375 Supermag. I also bought some of the new Starline brass as well. So this is the hunter pac I put together and everything you see cost less than what I have seen just the revolver sell for online.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

March 18, 2012

Thank you! I really enjoyed putting the pac together. The gun shoots great but I have made some interesting discoveries. I have shot it with lead and jacketed bullets with the barrel gap set at both .002 and .006. The manual actually states that .006 is correct for this caliber. While it shot fine with either gap I did notice I consistently got an occasional flyer when the gap was set at .002. With it set at .006 the fliers went away. This was with the same loads on the same day. Has anyone else run into this? I am also looking for any good reloading data especially with lead bullets in the 230-250 grain range. I do have some good reloading data but most is for jacketed bullets. So far IMR4227 and AA1680 seem to be the best powders for this caliber.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

The 375 performs best for accuracy when the bullets are driven fast. I tend to favor the upper end of the load range for tbsy reason. 1680 is a great powder for the 375.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

March 18, 2012

Eric made a run of RH shrouds a while back. They are unmarked and could be used on any large or Supermag frame gun. He was selling them with 44 barrels but he would sell just the shrouds as well. I was lucky enough to grab one. It is excellent as all of his products are. It makes a great hunting gun.

March 18, 2012

Scorpio thanks for the reloading advice. I recently loaded up some loads with both the Sierra 200gr and Hornady 220gr bullets at near max loads and the accuracy was amazing! Most of my previous loads were at starting range and while good we’re not as good as these new loads. This cartridge and gun truly do seem to preform best at near max or max loads. I have also found a great cast bullet that shoots very well in my revolver. They are from Badman bullets. They have a 230gr cast bullet that is polymer coated. I bought these for my Marlin 375 but found they work great in my Dan as well. They are sized .379 which work great in my Marlin but I run them through a .377 sizer for my Dan. They will shoot unsized but since my cylinder throats measure .377 I size them to fit the throats. They are very accurate, can be driven as fast as the jacketed bullets and leave no leading. Check out their web site at https://www.badmanbullets.com/.
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