Dans Club
March 2, 2008

"B" should be a blued gun
"C" (actually it might be SC) should be a stainless gun, although the Registry does have one "C" gun listed as a 41. The "C" listing is pretty old and probably cannot be re-verified at this point
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

I have been logging serial numbers for some time to try and sort out this letter thing and currently I show 3 blue 41s with a C leading the SN, 1 blue 41 with a B leading the SN, and 7 stainless 741s with SC leading the SN. Hope I didn't add to the confusion.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009


January 24, 2009

lbruce said:
...currently I show 3 blue 41s with a C leading the SN, 1 blue 41 with a B leading the SN...
LB, do you mean "41B" leading the s/n, or just plain "B"? If you mean "B", that's a first for me...not to say that it ain't possible.
I agree that the "C" should be the earlier version on a blued .41, with "SC" used for stainless. I don't have a decent clear shot currently, for a "C", but here's an "SC".
For newbies viewing this, the "C" denotes the caliber. Each caliber used it's own letter, the "S" in this case is for stainless & is combined as "SC", so it would be recognized as a stainless .41 Mag.
The next change should be the caliber leading the "B" or "S" (Blued or Stainless), like so...
As always, any other theories are always welcome. One day we'll get this DW stuff fine-tuned & figured out.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

LB, do you mean "
41B" leading the s/n, or just plain "B"? If you mean "B", that's a first for me…not to say that it ain't possible.
Yes just a "B". I also show several Palmer era guns with the 41B.
I guess its time for a preliminary report on my Serial Number lettering study so far.
After studying Dan Wesson serial numbers for close to two years now I have come to these conclusions.
First there are a multitude of ways DW did their serial numbers with many changes along the way not to mention custom serial numbers.
Here are some patterns I have noticed. Although I cannot guarantee my conclusions to be exact or historical proof.
Early guns had no letters at all.
At some point DW began adding the letters and also the caliber to the front of the serial number. But not always.
Stainless guns will commonly have a letter S but not always.
Blued guns will commonly have a letter B but not always.
Letter A. Sometimes found on model 22 and 722
Letter B. Commonly found on any blued DW and also model 44 and 744
Letter C. Commonly found on model 41 and 741.
Letter D. Commonly found on model 715.
Letter E. Commonly found on model 40 and 740. Or a Norwich era 741.
Letter F. Commonly found on model 32M. Or a Norwich era 744.
Letter M. Sometimes found on model 375.
Letter R. Found on model 460 Rowland.
Letter RV. Sometimes found on a Norwich era 7445. I read somewhere it stands for Revolver.
Letter S. Commonly found on many stainless models.
Letter SM. Common on model 375. I read somewhere it stands for super mag.
Letter Y. Found on a model 7414.
Letter Z. Common on Norwich era 445 or 7445.
Other common letters in or with DW serial numbers.
ETG = Elgin T Gates.
IHMSA = International Handgun Metallic Silhouette Association. IHMSA members could order guns with their member number as the serial number.
IFP = International Field Pistol.
An upside down letter Y at the end of the serial number denotes a blemish gun, found on some 1911 models.
CZ era 1911 guns have the letters CZ on the end of the serial number.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.


January 24, 2009



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Confirmed w/ my 16…
Maybe lb's list should become info included on the SN Registry page? It would help folks determine if they have a Frankenstein 38 or other 'put together' frame/ BA combination.
Regards, Ron
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

– 732 starts with 32M
-40 starts with 357MB
I have similar numbers and "my assumptions" are the 32M is the caliber as in M for mag and the 357MB is the caliber 357M, M for max, and B for blued. Of course I'm just guessing.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

December 18, 2011

Been wayyyyyy to long since I've been on here and just browsing old posts. I was updating my gun list yesterday and noticed that I had not added my DW Monson 41 Mag to my list (purchased by me from the "other" forum back in late 2011). Anyway, my serial number on the 41 Mag is: C0016XX. The fellow I purchased it from said it was his Father's until he had passed away. I looked that the serial numbers listed on the info on this site and I saw one that was C0019?? and saw that it was 1984. Since mine is before that I just put my est DOB as pre 1984. If anyone can pinpoint a date, please let me know.
Jack in Central Virginia

October 1, 2009

O.K. guys, here is another serial number that you can add;
Norwich model 740 first issue bought new by me!
now where does the "X" fit in??
Well when I ordered it I requested a light vent shroud with no slots, so the
"X" is special order??????
any other guesses on that would be welcome.........
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