Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Cloudy, damp afternoon so I took the 414 to the range for its first outing. I had the place to myself for a few minutes and proofed a few loads. I can honestly say that 25.5 grains of H110 under a 210 JHP was not bad to shoot. My hand never hurt and recoil was very controllable. I need to adjust the sights as POI was a bit lower than POA at 25yards. Some young guys showed up as I was changing targets. When we went hot again, the guy shooting his new M&P 45 right beside me, (no dividers, outside public range) jumped back and yelled "HOLY F&*^% Josh did you feel that!? The side of my face hurts". After I finished that cylinder the two guys come up and "Josh" says, "that is effing beautiful sir" I said it is a beautiful gun isn't it? And he says, "yea, but I meant the fire balls its throwing are effing beautiful!" "What are those some kind of special flame thrower loads or something?" He said, 'that would make a great home defense gun, hell if the fire didn't scare the crap out of them, the concussion would." I told them what I had loaded and what the gun was. They liked the laser treated barrel with its color shifting. Neither had ever heard of a 414 super mag, no surprise there. They asked me where can you get one and I told them that you have to know someone as there aren't many around a most aren't for sale. Its always fun to see the reaction people have when you touch off a supermag unannounced. Let me see if I can post a pic from my cell phone.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
that is sweet I hope that is blued like it looks. Blue is hard to beat for looks. In the summer when it gets dry and the fire danger is up you might want to send it out west to cut down on the fire hazard.
have you ttried IMR4227 powder in place of H110 it may softin the recoil and muzzel flash.
thanks for the fix!



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

pops2 said
that is sweet I hope that is blued like it looks. Blue is hard to beat for looks. In the summer when it gets dry and the fire danger is up you might want to send it out west to cut down on the fire hazard.have you ttried IMR4227 powder in place of H110 it may softin the recoil and muzzel flash.
thanks for the fix!
Actually its a stainlees gun, poor lighting and a cell phone pic don't do it justice. Haven't tried the 4227 yet may may run off a few and try them out.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

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