Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

I finally got to the range with my 44 mag today. What a gun, I LOVE IT! I took it with the 10" barrel since it was on the frame already. I've never shot this gun before today and I had no idea how the sights were adjusted. I know that it came with a 6" BA but I didn't shoot that today. I warmed up with a half a box of 44 specials and then switched to 44Mag. WOW, fun to shoot those mags, and the accuracy was dead on! I think I scared the guy beside me, he was fiddling with some small antique 32 and didn't realize I switched up from specials to mags. When I touched off the first round I saw him flinch and step back. After the first six, he says to me "what the %$#@* is that" it rang my ears thru my earphones! I laughed and said a 44mag. Anyway, I had alot of fun and was very surprized at how accurate the gun was since I didn't touch the sights at the range and I know it wasn't sighted with the 10" BA. Here is a pic of my first cylinder of mags at the 15yd target off hand. I shot several more cylinders at this same target aiming at different parts. My elbow started to get a bit sore so I quit after about 40 rounds. I LOVE DAN WESSONS!
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather


January 24, 2009

Your story reminds me of a range trip with my brother last summer. When we got there (my "range" is just on the hill near my house), we had just set up, when a couple guys pull up very near us with 4-5 kids. Now there is plenty of room elsewhere for them to shoot, but they just had to be next to us. The way they were positioned, I was getting afraid that the kids might catch a ricochet or something.
Noticing that none of them had ear protection (they only had 22's, but still), I told my brother "watch this" & lit off a few 357's. Glancing sideways, I saw hands covering ears, but they remained where they were, so I fired a few more. Nothing. Okay, you asked for it & out came the 'ol 44. One cylinder full & they were packing it up & moving down the trail.

February 11, 2010

Charger Fan said:
Your story reminds me of a range trip with my brother last summer. When we got there (my "range" is just on the hill near my house), we had just set up, when a couple guys pull up very near us with 4-5 kids. Now there is plenty of room elsewhere for them to shoot, but they just had to be next to us.
The way they were positioned, I was getting afraid that the kids might catch a ricochet or something.
Noticing that none of them had ear protection (they only had 22's, but still), I told my brother "watch this" & lit off a few 357's. Glancing sideways, I saw hands covering ears, but they remained where they were, so I fired a few more. Nothing. Okay, you asked for it & out came the 'ol 44. One cylinder full & they were packing it up & moving down the trail.
Imagine if you had cut loose the 445

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

September 10, 2010

Yeah the 445 is a beast. I was shooting with some friends and one of them has a Ruger Super Redhawk ( which IMO is butt ugly) 454 Casull he wanted to compare. Same grain bullets and powder. I couldn't feel any difference in recoil but my 7445 8" was twice as loud with way more fireball out the end. Same length barrel, don't really know why the 445 is so much more physical. Everyone swore mine was more powerful. At least it appeared that way. It is a blast to shoot. Literally.
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