July 17, 2017

Finally got around to taking a 'nice' photo of my 8" DW 44 now that I have a proper grip on it. Another example of fantastic work from LB!
Had it out last weekend sighting it in with my reloads. I'm using 15.5gr Blue Dot plus 240gr poly-coated cast bullets. Seemed to be all over the place really but it's closer than it was when I started. Not sure if it's my reloads or my aim. I guess I should try with factory ammo and see if the groups tighten up. The sights are a little different than what I'm used to just need to practice more I bet.

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January 17, 2015


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tomthegeek said
Finally got around to taking a 'nice' photo of my 8" DW 44 now that I have a proper grip on it. Another example of fantastic work from LB!Had it out last weekend sighting it in with my reloads. I'm using 15.5gr Blue Dot plus 240gr poly-coated cast bullets. Seemed to be all over the place really but it's closer than it was when I started. Not sure if it's my reloads or my aim. I guess I should try with factory ammo and see if the groups tighten up. The sights are a little different than what I'm used to just need to practice more I bet.
If you are shooting slow fire, aimed from a rest, single action, and getting sporadic results, maybe there is a gun (or ammunition) issue.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

July 17, 2017

I was using a rest and taking my time. It was from 25-30 yards (forgot my range finder). At this point I just need to test more. I'm on my first 100 reloads and used my "palm chronograph" when picking the charge. I was trying to replicate the kick of the factory rounds while minimizing the un-burnt powder, Blue Dot need to be loaded pretty hot to burn properly. I'll shoot what I have loaded then try a ladder or OCW test.
The gun seems fine I've got the barrel wrench and shim and it seems like it's adjusted ok. Barrel is newer so should be good, looks ok at least. The worst problem I've found is one chamber sticks pretty bad. I need to try cleaning it with some bore paste.
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