Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Had the 445 out today and noticed that after a few rounds, the cylinder didn't want to rotate. I re-checked the BC gap and it was good. I had to almost force the cyl. open while holding down the latch. When the cylinder opened, the ejector rod fell out in my hand. It seems to have come unscrewed somehow. I put it back in and threaded the rod back into the squared portion contianing the star and noticed the star wouldn't go the whole way closed, apparently there is only one way these fit. After a few tries, I found the correct spot and threaeded the rod back into the ejector and it seems fine now. Is there some kind of lock to keep this from happening again? I held the rod in a padded pliers and turned the cylinder to snug it down, didn't go crazy as I didn't want to twist it off.
The gun seems fine, just don't know what happened.
Anybody got any ideas?
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

I have heard of this a few times. I believe most guys who had this issue used a drop of loc-tite ( the kind you can get back off, I don't remember which color) and had no more problems. Others may have more or better info.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

February 11, 2010

Yep like they said blue loctite, if that don't hold try red and as last resort
green loctite, but only green if nothing else works because you may never
get it back of in the future if ever the need.
Green loctite is used to hold cylinder sleeves in engines if that tells
ya how tough it is


January 24, 2009

Honestly, I used Loctite on one DW...but don't think I'll do it again. And if I did, blue would be the absolutely only one I'd use. Blacktop, I don't intend to slam you with my opinion, but red Loctite on a threaded shaft that's as long and slender as that is...he might never get it back apart again. At the very least, not without major heat & some killer good luck. And yeah, green Loctite is only for things that you hope to never ever take back apart.
From my experience with DW's, I have only had ejector rods unscrew themselves when I have tightened them in at what I consider a stiff finger tight. The same ejector rod will not unscrew if I give it what I consider a "double finger tight" type of torque. That means padded jaws on some pliers & don't use the "kung-fu grip" , just a medium-firm grip. Let the rod slip in the grip when it's tight. My padding is a hunk of radiator hose in a U-shape over the rod, then camp pliers over that...plenty of cush to let the rod turn when it's ready. Works great so far.

February 11, 2010

No slam here buddy We all got opinions and it's still a Democracy...for now
Just saying if the rod gets to be a problem and tightening and blue loctite
dosen't work, red is an option.
Most revolvers go their whole life and never have the ejector rod
removed. At least with loctite there are ways of getting it back off,
unlike some gunsmith, who's name I won't mention , did when he
welded a member's ejector rod

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

I just did the hand tighten deal and no loctite, yet. I'll see if it comes loose after the next range trip. If it does I may go with loctite, but only as a last resort.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
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