

Dans Club
February 22, 2009


January 24, 2009

This is the first I've seen of this, pretty interesting & I have a theory.
The theory is...when the model 40 was first introduced, right outta the chute there was considerable concern about premature forcing cone erosion due to the added heat generated from the new Maxi .357 ammo. As a precaution to a possible tidal wave of warranty issues from this, DW automatically shipped an extra barrel with each model 40 produced.
A few years later, they realized that many (probably most) of these extra barrels weren't being used & that they could probably discontinue the extra barrels without much blowback & be able to save X-amout of money in the process. The rebate coupon was probably used through this time. And the time I'm thinking of is the latter part of the Monson years, which also makes me guess that your 740 is maybe a '87-'88 gun? Probably with a "SE" s/n?
Now watch, I'm completely off my mark & it's got a "357M" s/n...
Oh, and congrats on landing such a clean example, it looks like a beauty!


January 24, 2009

April 25, 2008

Nice try CF, but you know what they say...close, but no cigar.
I bought my 740-V8S in Dec. 1986. The mid 1980's was the peak of IHMSA competition. Prior to the handgun silhouette game, most magnum handgun shooters would, maybe, put a couple boxes a year through the guns. Well, serious steel shooters would run several thousand full-power rounds through theirs in a MONTH. It was easy to wear one out in a year or so. Dan Wesson added a second barrel with each SuperMag purchase, PLUS a rebate coupon. Mine came with both.
The Savantist


January 24, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Just goes to show how much DW wanted to support it's specialty core of IHMSA shooters, which pays big dividends 25+ years later with such great guns still going strong.
"You need never be without your Dan Wesson SuperMag" really tells the whole story about these guns.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

May 3, 2011

Beautiful pistol. Those pistols with the slotted shrouds were designed for competition shooters in mine to make it light enough to be used in the silhouette completions. That was an expensive sport in the 80's. Can you imagine how much they spent on a couple of 1000 rounds a month? I'm sure they could go through a few barrels. They were a lot cheaper back then. Here is one of my favorite pics: I bet he burned up a few barrels.

October 11, 2009

Your right on target IHMSAox8. DW and Thompson Center were the only ones chambering their guns in .357 Max etc. They would flat wear out some barrel's. I wore out 2 model 29 S&W's shooting IHMSA before I switched to DW's. And I just shot 44 mags. Ruger dropped their Supermag gun because of the forcing cone issue. Any competition shooting is expensive if you don't have a sponsor. Guys like myself who shot out of their own pocket spent a small fortune on reloading. But any true sport is expensive. I know guy's who spend 10's of thousands on just fishing equipment. Boats, motors, rods, reel's, travel expense etc.

April 25, 2008

Silhouette is a handloader's game. Revolvers were actually less expensive to reload for, as most of the single-shot guys used Matchkings. The 740-V8S was my first Dan Wesson and first gun for the Revolver category. I shot the first ever 40x40 with a Revolver in the state of Kentucky back in 1988 with that gun.
The Savantist
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