February 17, 2010


January 24, 2009

February 17, 2010

Really? I was going to Cerakote the mount flat silver. I bought the gun for 3 bills and set it up for my intended purpose. It is crazy accurate with home brewed ammo. It's a Monson gun and if I can make sense of the limited ser. no. info it's late '82 or early '83. Sorry but I'n no photographer, even w/good equiptment!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

February 17, 2010

After a year of shooting this revolver I have a question. Does any comparable brand revolver even come close to how these guns perform "of the shelf?" I have now run close to 2k rnds through this gun and am still amazed! Barring custom shop guns I have nothing that comes close to it. It does show a pronounced prefference for heavy bullets but shoots most all handloads I've worked up at least acceptably well. I'm an accuracy nut, so when I say acceptably well I'm saying better than the average handgunner can shoot. This gun is always a hit when I take it to the range. Mosy people want to shoot it and my buds always want to know if I'm bringing the DW along. I have started using it exclusivley for my hunting handgun. I took 3 whitetails this past season with the longest shot being a ranged 144yds. Best varmint shot so far was a groundhog at a ranged 97yds. I called a headshot on the g'hog and even surprised myself on that one. If you can't tell, I have so much confidence in this revolver I don't hesitate to take a shot that is within the capabilities of the 44mag cartridge. Last summer I had a local atty tuning up his elk rifle next to me. He kept comenting on how I couldn't hit anything at the distance we were shooting, a measly 100yds. When we did a target check he asked if it was for sale. My reply was a simple not today.
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