July 15, 2017

When I looked into moon clipping my 744 I couldn't find any information if this was even possible. The only place offering to full moon clip a Dan Wesson is Pinnacle High Performance but the gunsmith Mark had never converted a 44 caliber Dan Wesson before. Just in case anyone else wants to follow in my foot steps a Dan Wesson 744 can be moon clipped and takes standard S&W 44 caliber moon clips.
Mark from Pinnacle High Performance did the conversion on my 744 and took around a month turnaround time. The conversion is more complicated than a standard S&W 44 conversion and required scallop cuts to the extractor in order to fit moon clips.
Just in case anyone is wondering, the conversion still allows using 44 magnum rounds without a moon clip, since the rounds headspace off the edge of the cylinder.
Moon clips can be bought from TK Custom
Flambeau 4007 Tuff Tainers seem to be custom made to hold 44 Special/Magnum moon clips.

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

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