March 27, 2013

I told myself that I needed to slow down on the Dan acquisitions, but I couldn't help myself when I spotted this one. Here are the pictures from the seller. I should take possession by this weekend, hopefully.
Dan Wesson 45-VH4
Original box, minus the sleeve
Barrel tool
Original plus pachmyer grips
I'm kind of curious about the grips. Did someone make thier own set and put a DW medallion in them, or did they come like that?


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Hi Artex:
Actually those grips look to me to be someone's custom creation. I've never seen a DW grip like that.
BTW, your gun is a model 45, not a 745. A 745 would be a stainless gun. DW added the 7 to the model number to denote stainless steel for all of its guns. Also note that the serial number begins with 45B. On a stainless it would begin with 45S. Just an FYI.
Really nice find. Those things are really scarce, and the price was pretty good as well.

March 27, 2013

Thanks for the info Mike, you do learn something new every day. I'm thinking that someone sanded down the factory grip to give it that appearance. You can see the original color of the grips around the medallions, at least that's what it looks like to me. When the gun shows up I'll get some better pictures.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

March 27, 2013

Mike, Midway has a couple different, non-Cowboy rounds in stock at the moment. They're not cheap by any means, but they're definitely not cowboy rounds. The two I listed below are 300+ grain lead bullets.
If I could confirm that either of these were using starline brass I'd buy them. I'm trying to keep all of my reloading brass starline.
I called Doubletap and actually spoke with a real human being. She was nice enough to tell me that typically the head stamp on the brass is their own and that the products listed on their website with the "add to cart" option are in stock. I'm going to order a few boxes and give them a shot.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

I have a 745 with the VH4 barrel, the stainless twin of your gun. Its a fun gun to shoot although mine needs a higher front sight blade to get dialed onto target.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

I shoot "full house" 45s that are safe in the Super Redhawk with no issues. Feed the Dan what you want.
Gun Broker prices: 6 May 2013- $1,625. Previously on 4 AUG (not certain what year) $1,402
I paid $700 for mine and you did even better. I would qualify that as .
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....


January 24, 2009

March 27, 2013

rwsem said
I shoot "full house" 45s that are safe in the Super Redhawk with no issues. Feed the Dan what you want.FWIW-
Gun Broker prices: 6 May 2013- $1,625. Previously on 4 AUG (not certain what year) $1,402
I paid $700 for mine and you did even better. I would qualify that as
I knew the price was good, but didn't realize it was that good. Thanks for keeping track of past sales.

March 27, 2013

Well, so much for that idea. B&B Guns of Muncie Indiana sold the gun out from under me this morning. My money order is listed as out for delivery today and they sold the gun this morning to someone local. I'm beyond pissed off.
I called the shop and talked to the owner. He's a grumpy ol fart and said since my money hadn't shown up he needed to sell it. So, don't do any business with these folks. They're a small shop so you'll probably never run across them though.
B&B Guns
Your One Stop Gun Shop
Main Street Flea Market
1710 East Main Street
Muncie, Indiana 47305
On another note, does anyone need 200 rounds of 45LC (starline brass) and a brand new set of Lee carbide dies?



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

That is just totally stupid and unfair! If they knew you bought it and had sent a MO in accordance with their terms, they should have held it pending funds arrival. They could have taken the other guys name as a backup if you didn't pay, but to sell it out from under you is BS!
I wonder if they marked it up more to the local guy?
If you are serious about the brass, I'll buy it, PM me.
I have dies but can use more brass.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather


DWF Supporters
February 16, 2013

March 27, 2013

Such is life. The hunt for new Dan's continues, just without the 45LC checked off the list.
The guy had absolutely no remorse, just wanted to tell me that he expected my payment earlier than when it showed up. It was pointless to argue at that point as the gun was already gone.
Guess I'll just have to keep looking. I need something to feed that new ammo through.
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