January 27, 2011

On the books from left to right : 15-2 w/ 8" vh bbl; 15-2 w/ 2" bbl; Model 22 with 4" bbl;
Down the center: Tasco 1.5 – 4 scope (to be mounted on ->); 8" VH .44 bbl; Model 44VH w/ 8" vent heavy bbl; Model 44 with 6" standard bbl;
Stuffed in the "empty" places are some of the grips for the mob.
Missing: the 6" bbl that I don't have a shroud for (looking for vent heavy bbl); 4 and 6 inch bbls for the Model 15 – 2s (again in vent heavy style); 4" vent heavy bbl for the .44 Magnums (NO, NOT TO SHOOT .44 MAGNUMs from… My favorite carry weapon – .44 revolver with .44 Special loads. Revolvers don't really care about bullet style like my 1911s do). And the list goes on… Waiting for Dan Wesson/CZ to come out with a .17HMR revolver.
Baby Huey(Paul Fischer) sends
bhvn6970@att.net (I HATE junk mail so if you Email me start the subject line with "DW Forum…" All comments welcome. All criticism with be deleted. All questions will be returned unanswered un less accompanied by your credit card number. (JUST KIDDING!!!)

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January 27, 2011

Dave_Ks said:
Nice family of Dan's, just need to add some 7's to the mix! Hang on to those grippers (sought after by many)! Thanks for sharing!
I'm not much for shiny firearms. My wife has a few because they are either "cute" or "pretty" and who am I to argue with an armed female (especially one who can out shoot me with a 1911!). Stainless is only of use to me in carry weapons - holds up to bodily excretions! That would be a 1911 or a 5 shot Taurus .44 Special (similar ballistics to .45 ACP when handloaded). Also a brushed nickel coated Bersa 383 in .380 for when I just want to p*** them off not kill them.

January 27, 2011

Rod Slinger said:
From one Vietnam vet. to another Welcome. Love you Dan Wesson Mob. and love your State. Some of the happiest times in my life have been on Lake Fork! Good to have you with us. R S
Remembering Sketter Skelton
Howdy Rod!
I have a few other firearms in my collection that might (or not) interest you. Two Poly Tech M14S' - I know everyone says they are Chinese junk but they held up better than my Springfield M1A - four trips back to the factory and they still said there was no problem even though it shed extractors every 2000 +/- rounds. My wife and I have a few AR 15 types. The odd AK 47. Several SKS' which I really like. Came about this close // to buying a semi auto M 60 but if it don't dance rock and roll it isn't as much fun. The problem is the M 60 qualifies as "the best weapon is the one that saved your life" and I would like a copy to show off. The firearms purchasing account still has the money in it and late on some nights I really would like one even if it is semi. Hunting for a Chinese Mauser... came under fire from a "sniper" once - turned out to be an old man with a old Chinese Mauser and a bag with 27 rounds of ammo. When asked by our Kit Carson why he was sniping at us the old man replied he figured now was the time to get rid of the old ammo!

January 27, 2011

They make all sorts on semi replicas of full auto weapon - M3 Greasegun, M 60, M1919 .30-06 machine guns, M 42 and 43 German WWII machine guns, Sterling and Sten WWII British sub machine guns, and even a semi auto version on the M 2 Browning .50 caliber machine gun. All are permanently changed to semi auto only and therefore can be owned by anyone who can own an AR 15. Oh... you have to also own a bit of cash or have a large credit limit on your card.
I tried a cut down barrel on an M 60 once (we used to get second hand barrels stolen from the Army who thought they were shot out!!). B**** sang so loud I couldn't hear anything but her singing. Tossed the barrel. I carried two spare barrels with bipods but my A-gunner carried three barrels with out bipods. The grunts hated me because I would not let them carry loose bandoliers draped all over them. I set up the belts in the ammo cans and used cardboard to keep the rounds from rattling in the cans. Each guy in a patrol carried one box of ammo. Never had a jam or stoppage though - luck had something to do with that. Had a box with no tracers and a hooch burner box that was ALL tracers.
Baby Huey (Paul Fischer) sends
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