

Dans Club
February 22, 2009

April 25, 2008

I'm Dean's wife, Marilyn, just trying to read up all that Dean wrote after he sadly passed away from Lymphoma cancer on December 7, 2020.
I'd like to mention (for clarification) that those two photos that Dean posted at the top were not of (from) May 11, 2020 day at the range shooting.
He was too weak, using a walker and wasn't able to get out of the house.
I looked at our personal photo files of the Dan Wessons he owns and found that he took those photos on September 2, 2005 at the range.
The Savantist



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

April 25, 2008

pops2 said
I'm sad to hear he has passed, he inspired me to find and learn as much about DW's. hope you can find joy in your memories past!. Dayton
Thank you.
I'm very sad that he had cancer and passed away.
It's been very hard every day, since he passed 12/7/20.
The Savantist

Dans Club
January 17, 2015

IHMSA80x80 said
I'm Dean's wife, Marilyn, just trying to read up all that Dean wrote after he sadly passed away from Lymphoma cancer on December 7, 2020. I'd like to mention (for clarification) that those two photos that Dean posted at the top were not of (from) May 11, 2020 day at the range shooting. He was too weak, using a walker and wasn't able to get out of the house. I looked at our personal photo files of the Dan Wessons he owns and found that he took those photos on September 2, 2005 at the range. Marilyn
I am sad to hear about Dean's passing. Him and I crossed paths on a few gun forums and we recognized each other, joked about it, and continued to have a good time enjoying our shared passion for firearms.
The date of Dean's post makes no difference at all, he was simply sharing some pics of his (fantastic) Dan Wesson collection. We all admired his fine tastes in revolvers, no one can say that weren't just <---a little---> bit envious of his great tastes and collection.
Please do us a favour - do not sell his guns for what he told you he paid. 🙂 He amassed a small fortune, in the times when our guns were much more affordable but now suddenly rather pricey. May you forever smile in his memory, it is truly the testament to a life well lived.
Take care and Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, whichever floats your boat.

April 25, 2008

Zedbra said
IHMSA80x80 saidI'm Dean's wife, Marilyn, just trying to read up all that Dean wrote after he sadly passed away from Lymphoma cancer on December 7, 2020. I'd like to mention (for clarification) that those two photos that Dean posted at the top were not of (from) May 11, 2020 day at the range shooting. He was too weak, using a walker and wasn't able to get out of the house. I looked at our personal photo files of the Dan Wessons he owns and found that he took those photos on September 2, 2005 at the range. Marilyn
I am sad to hear about Dean's passing. Him and I crossed paths on a few gun forums and we recognized each other, joked about it, and continued to have a good time enjoying our shared passion for firearms.
The date of Dean's post makes no difference at all, he was simply sharing some pics of his (fantastic) Dan Wesson collection. We all admired his fine tastes in revolvers, no one can say that weren't just <---a little---> bit envious of his great tastes and collection.
Please do us a favour - do not sell his guns for what he told you he paid. 🙂 He amassed a small fortune, in the times when our guns were much more affordable but now suddenly rather pricey. May you forever smile in his memory, it is truly the testament to a life well lived.
Take care and Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, whichever floats your boat.
Thank you. Merry Christmas to you also.
I know Dean has a lot of valuable guns that are worth a lot more than what he paid. I'm going to try and get what Dean thinks they're valued at. Yes, he did have a small fortune in his guns.
Down the road sometime, it will be easier to just smile at our memories, but not at this time, this soon after he passed away. It's been very difficult for me. I'm deeply saddened with the loss of Dean.
The Savantist
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