August 8, 2016

Schoolboy said
Will a two clamp scope mount like this damage the vent rib on a 44 mag with normal or hot loads?
They will definitely mar the rib. I tried one on my 715 and it marred it. Had bob at DW bead blast the rib to make it new again. I now only use drill n tap scope mounts. Even those will cause a small amount of marring. But those shrouds are dedicated for optics so I’ll never remove the scope base to care much about the marring.

August 8, 2016

I can’t imagine those clamp on mounts will handle 44 magnum. Check out what happened to my scoped 744 with drill n tap base. I really think the screws became loose but you get the idea. There’s A LOT of torque/force with 44 magnum. rnhttps://www.danwessonforum.com/forum/revolvers/sheered-off-my-dw-scope-base-screws-today/
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