December 3, 2010

Picked this up when I was in the Military. I fired it 6 times, cleaned it and put away since. Barrels never used. Paid $200 for it to a guy who needed the money. He had never fired it. I keep it in my gun cabinet and take it out every so often to make sure everything operates smoothly. I've held on to it soo long I just keep it more as a piece of fine craftmanship than what it was intended for.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

You need to that VH4 assembly on and take her to the range! Just something magical about the 744 with the VH4 installed! One nice thing about the stainless guns is that if you get a scratch on her you can take some scotch-brite pads and clean her right up!
Let her talk!


January 24, 2009

December 3, 2010

Unfortunately I do not have the barrel wrench or the feeler guage. I'm not real keen in firing this thing.. Just yet…
When I bought this I also picked up an HK 93. 1976 SACO pre-ban. All total I spent $800. The HK I have fired several clips through. It puts dents in the brass though when it ejects them. Something I have to figure out. I still have that also…
Not too bad considering I was young then. Didn't know what I had then, but now I am real carefull with the DW. I feel it was the best of the two I picked up. Now that I am learning more about the DW history I have a whole new outlook on it. I wanted to find out more about this and share something I have come to admire.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Matt slip over to EWK and pick up a wrench and set of allen wrenches with feeler gauge. It will be moneys well spent and then you can change it up. Then head over to Gunbroker and buy a shooter so you know what you have in this beauty. Also there is a like new 10" 744 BA up would complete this set!!! then look for a 715 to add its little brother to your collection. Thanks for the history and pics.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

You can get a gap gauge and barrel tool from one of our members, EWK Arms, see the panel to the right for a link to his site. He makes top quality stuff. You can also get them from DW, and if you want to have the original plastic covered tool, you can regularly find them on GB and eBay.
Enjoy your DW. They are great shooters.
BTW, welcome to the DWF.

December 3, 2010

I could get in some serious trouble with the Gunbroker link. I'm not sure if I should thank you or curse you Dave… (Thank-you) I saw that 10" barrel. Tempting, but $330 isn't. I'm surprised at the prices being asked. I have a Ruger GP100 I carry when I'm out in the woods. I dug out the original receipt and they're going for twice as much now.
I will pick up a tool and guage. I'm leaning toward original. Thanks for the info gentlemen. I'm glad I found this site.


January 24, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

FFL is needed only for serial number things like frames and receivers! Shrouds and barrels ship directly to you! Yeah sorry guys I was bit along time ago click and spend! All fire arms have seemed to double in price this last year or so. You still come up with a good deal at times. cz sells the BA's though pricey , They do have DW stuff. is all i can say. Even parts kits when you can find them ship to you no FFL needed!

December 3, 2010

I just bought that 10" outright. Couldn't pass it up. Having the Monson stamp on the complete set…
Crazy thing is, I'll sit on this thing and never fire it!
Can't wait till the gets home from Calif. She won't understand the value.
Still, it's a feeling.
p.s. I blame Dave for this!


January 24, 2009


January 24, 2009

kestrelman1 said:
Your evil CF!
Who, me?
The Pac cases are relatively cheap to make. I usually find my American Tourister briefcases on Egouge for $40 or under, usually. The the foam & fabric runs about $15 ~ ish. Check out this thread for ideas...
Oh & my boxes just get stuffed away into a storage closet, where they're out of the way.

December 3, 2010

MO is on its way.
Not sure if I like that Gunbroker site. It congratulates me... It says I won...
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside... But in the end I feel if I tried bidding I would have lost that baby.
No, I'm not having buyers remorse paying twice what everything else cost me ( Early 1990's equiv).
Figure it will come back around in the value. I'm in this thing for $600. And when I pick up the tool and gauge, $650. Sure hope I can get my money back out of this ...
I'll post a pic when I get the other new/old barrel. Can't wait to see a New/old set come together.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

I'm getting ready to fire up the foam cutter pretty soon .... I'm going to completely start over with my 744 Pac and attempt to recreate a original DW 744 PP.
I have an extra original case (no foam--but no biggie !!!) Some original DW gold cloth, and most of the accessories.
Normally I'd go with one of my custom cases with custom fabric, but I want a 744 Pac to match my original 44 Pac.

December 3, 2010

I looked at the forum link CF sent. Pretty cool how the cutter and cases turn out. I'm onboard with turning the original case, plus the original cloth into an original. Something about having DW stamped on the case makes it that much more desirable. Can't wait to see what you finish with.
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