Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

To the best of my knowledge these two are not counted in the 'Palmer 25'. The '25' were all Stainless and I believe started at serial number 26 and went into the 50's with a few numbers skipped. That is all per Randy Gates information. Jaggman bought the Monson gun from Bob Serva directly, he had it from when he bought the company, Jaggman then sold it to me. I bought the Palmer blue gun from JD Rottweiler who had a stash of unusual pieces left from the Palmer era. My 7MM Supermag also came from JD
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Dans Club
February 24, 2013


January 24, 2009

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

I was not calling you out Oli Dog in fact I just happen to be reading the 2002 brochure because I was looking for info on the early 1911's. I started reading the info in it from Bob Serva and was stunned when he put so much info in the brochure! Now that is a million in one shot have not looked at that brochure in a year. I just started thinking about the early 1911's and pulled it out to look. I think I answered my question. I don't think most CZ 1911 buyers even know how Bob Serva is. Kind of sad. I think there should be a collector market for the early Serva guns but collecting is fickle. got to be in demand. I was also a bit shocked when I looked at the Serva years numbers produced and boy they did not sell many guns between 1997 and 2005. sounds like he made a good decision to sell the Company when he did. It most likely would have gone bankrupt if CZ had not bought it. I also was a bit stunned how few of the 715's sold during the CZ run which i'm not sure I think it was 2014 thru 2019 THey were a bit to early with that gun if they had waited for the Python relanch maybe the sales would have been better since the Pythons would get the public ready to plunk down $1500 for a revolver. They would also have to sell them as chrome or polished like the Pythons. That would be a nice guns!

DWF Supporters
July 12, 2020

I think anything can be a collectable. I collect DW 1911's and have quite a few older Serva year models. But like anything collectors vary with supply/demand.
DW didn't make near the amount of firearms as S&W or Colt but they still have their smaller pool of collectors. I think DW collectors are every bit as passionate as other brands just not as many. I don't view it as a market, that would make it more like investment. If that was the case you should buy guns that don't necessarily mean anything to you but give positive return. I also think Bob knew he was always going to complete the sale of DW to CZ when he bought it, probably with CZ money. I remember you relaying a story from Eric Wesson telling that DW didn't want to originally sell to CZ in the 90's. I guess it's possible Bob was a proxy and waited until maybe a no-sale clause had expired in his contract from buying DW then completed the transaction to CZ???????

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

The biggest issue with the 715 re release was the price. 1500 for a 357 was a big ask. For that amount of money they should have at least offered a large frame or Supermag. I'll bet they'd have sold far more units if they'd done that.
I have quite a few older Serva era 1911s. They shoot as well as the CZ guns at a lower price. Add to that, the relatively low production numbers and I think that makes them more collectable.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

October 6, 2021

Went on a hunt for more info and found some. In short, I believe my dad bought a pair of Monson, Ma 375sm and later retrofitted one with a 414 conversion. I also think dad sold the shroud from the converted 375. The Palmer manuals are probably from the 44, 445, or 357max he once had. Dad was quite a storyteller, I think he mixed a couple of stories resulting in what I originally shared. This seems to go against a prior post about not doing a conversion due to liabilities. Not sure where to go from here, because a conversion makes the most sense.

Dans Club
December 7, 2020

Chip Banke said
Went on a hunt for more info and found some. In short, I believe my dad bought a pair of Monson, Ma 375sm and later retrofitted one with a 414 conversion. I also think dad sold the shroud from the converted 375. The Palmer manuals are probably from the 44, 445, or 357max he once had. Dad was quite a storyteller, I think he mixed a couple of stories resulting in what I originally shared. This seems to go against a prior post about not doing a conversion due to liabilities. Not sure where to go from here, because a conversion makes the most sense.
Dan Wesson Chief Operations Officer says Dan Wesson did not do the conversion........(meaning that Dan Wesson did not do the conversion since the last bankruptcy, and ownership change). That is as far back as Service Records go. That being said; "If" DW did the conversion, it would have been before the last bankruptcy, as those records no longer exist. But, the shroud is too recent for that. Someone else could have done the conversion. There are wildcat and rhino conversions out there in other calibers.
Where to go?: I suggest determining which barrels screw into that frame and have a gunsmith measure cylinder and barrel(s) for caliber size.
Just my 2 cents.
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