November 3, 2010

I believe I have identified it correctly: http://community.webshots.com/album/578944436HihgWa
The pak includes a 8VH and 6VH.
Again, this is the other pistol pak that I inherited. The side of the case had the original paperwork for identification, but for some reason it was scratched out w/ a black magic marker. No tellin why…..LOL I don't remember if I did it to "hide" what was in the case or if it was done by my father. Probably something I did.
Please chime in to correct or confirm if I have identified it correctly. I AM going to shoot this one today!
Thanks in advance for your help!

February 11, 2010

That is a great load if you were thinking of using it for self defence, just not
sure if it would give you the accuracy or performance that a 44mag round
would if/when shooting at 25+ yards.
A better question might be is are the 44mag and 44special barrel twist
rates the same ? Not saying that they may not be just as accurate but
keep that in mind when your at the range. The only way you will really know
is to get out there and try.
My 44 shoots just about anything in 2" inch groups at 25yrds.
I have a two different barrels and they both love the Wolf Golds and
Hornady FTX. On a side note I do not recommend anyone using
the Wolf Gold in a Ported barrel , it is filthy shooting ammo. As little as
a dozen rounds in a ported barrel will make the shroud hard to remove.
But it is very very accurate and is loaded to SAMMI maximum's.
A 240grn HP has Velocity/Energy : Muzzle- 1542ftps./1267ftlb.


January 24, 2009

November 3, 2010

Freehand standing. 🙂 Been 25yrs.. and I can tell my eyes aren't focusing as well anymore, even with glasses. The range was very nice..electronic and very well lit over the targets.
You mentioned ported barrel. I have noticed that my shroud on the 8" is ported but the actual barrel isn't....any comments?
Also, looking at the 15-2 pistol pak and what one went for on gunbrokers, it seems that there is a big difference in going price for a vented shroud vs non vented. What's that about?
Guess I"m just curious to know the order of value:
Non vented- Lowest?
Vented and Ported shroud & barrel- Highest?
Any help would be apprediated 🙂

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Most (all?) of the shrouds on DW .44's were produced with the ports machined in, allowing the shooter to select a ported or non ported barrel. I bought a 744 a while ago, and did not check closely to see that the barrel was ported as well-quite a project to clean up after that discovery.
Regarding the shroud type/Pack value, I'm not sure there is a big value difference. My observation is that the least often seen shroud style is the Heavy. The "value" correlation on GB auctions is often centered on other factors, including complete set of accessories, condition (including the case), how many Packs are currently on auction, quality of photos, etc.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

conrod said:
Just got to figure out how to size the photo down to a manageable size.
That 640x480 size is perfect, I think ya done good.
The Monson 44's were all made with ported shrouds…4, 6, 8" that is, the 10" shrouds were not ported. The customer had the option to buy a ported barrel or a standard barrel, many of which seem to have bought one of each.
The Gun Broker 15-2 PP prices tend to vary a bit, depending on how badly a certain buyer wants a certain Pac. Watch the prices for a couple months & you'll get a broader idea of which is worth more. From what I've noticed, most of the 15-2's seem to go for $750 ~ $1000, depending on condition & completeness. The 715-2's seem to be in the $1000 ~ $1400 range most often. Some higher, some lower.
Personally, I would not value the vented Pac higher than a standard barrel Pac, merely because the vented style is much more popular & easily obtained. The standard barrel Pac isn't as easy to find & from a collector's view, should be worth more…that whole supply & demand thing. However, the buying market doesn't often follow that theory, so you can apply my opinion with a grain of salt.
*EDIT* I see Steve totally beat me to the reply. That's what I get for leaving & doing a chore at mid-post.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Way off topic, CF, but washing some windows?
Sorry for the hi-jack, but I just couldnt resist!
One more comment on "value". A pretty smart guy here has correctly observed that the seller sets a PRICE, the buyer determines a VALUE.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

February 11, 2010

Like Steve said a ported barrel can look non-ported when dirty, but if you do
have a non-ported that's good, the ported ones really don't do much for
recoil and just end up causing trouble with getting shroud back off, especially
if you shot 200 or 300 rounds in an outing. I hav'nt shot my ported barrel
once since I got a non-ported, and probably never will again.


January 24, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

conrod- You may still have a ported barrel in there. The DW porting system does not rely on having the barrel ports lined up with the shroud ports. It would be impossible to register the barrel port exactly with the shroud port in an interchangeable barrel system. The porting in a DW relies on a series of (maybe 6?) round ports in the barrel which vent into the shroud. Since the shroud is essentially sealed at both ends, the combustion gasses vent through the shroud ports.
Witn a bore light or flashlight, take a look down the muzzle and check the barrel for ports, or pull the shroud to be sure. If the barrel is ported, pull everyting apart, clean it up good, shoot only jacketed bullets, and clean the shroud and barrel (especially the barrel ports) frequently..
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

conrod said:
Hey Thanks Steve!
I've checked now and no porting on the barrels. Sounds like this could be a good thing?
Yeah, it pretty much is a good thing. The expansion chamber inside the shroud was very small. The object was to maintain a high pressure at the shroud exit ports to reduce muzzle flip. Unfortunately, though it looked great on paper, it wasn't very effective. The reduction in muzzle flip is negligible, if any. The cleaning issues are another negative. You really must clean after each range session. The inside of the shrould needs to be attacked with a 12ga. bore brush and the outside of the barrel itself needs emery cloth at minimum. Sometimes a nail file is required to get the junk off. Then you have to be sure to clean out the holes in the barrel. And finally, if you shot un-jacketed lead, you're going to have an awful time getting the shroud off of the barrel.
I have both ported and un-ported barrels for each of my shrouds (except the 10-inch, of course) and I haven't shot any of the ported ones in many years. However, they do complete the collection.
Happy shooting.
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