
DWF Supporters
June 11, 2016

I just bought my first 7445 Super Mag and it arrive today, to my surprise I had not noticed the serial number and it ended up being an ISHMA. When I bought it he sent 100 rounds Gate brass and 50 rounds Star brass, I was curious what is the brasses value? The Gates brass does that have anything to do with ETG who worked for Wesson, 50 rounds are new and 50 have been used? I do not have a loader so ordered some Hornady XTP 300g today cannot wait for it to get here then take it to the range.


Dans Club

DWF Supporters
February 4, 2017

Nice lookin' pistol...congratulations.
I can't tell you anything about the value of the brass, but I can tell you Elgin Gates never worked for Dan Wesson. Gate was a wealthy sportsman who developed the supermag cartridges. Wesson provided the pistols to fire them.
I think you'll enjoy shooting it...I know I smiled the first time around.

March 19, 2016

Hi Wisconsin Dan Wesson guy. Hope retirement is going well.
Just a word of caution if you plan on reloading the Gates brass. I to purchased a 7445 many years ago and with it came 100 pc's of Gates brass and 100 pc's of Starline brass. Also included was a 4 die carbide 445 Redding die set. I had no problems sizing the Starline brass but the Gates had issues. I am thinking my gun might be one of the early supermags which had over sized cylinders. It might have helped in the reloading problem. But the Starline brass was shot from the same gun with no issues. When I resized the Gates brass a bulge was created right before the head of the brass. Not all of it would do it but around 30%. I did not notice it at first, when I did I stopped sizing the brass. This same problem is mentioned in this forum. I found it when I was trying to figure what was going wrong with my sizing. Sorry but I can not remember where I read about it. My gun is a ETG serial number gun so I know it is older also. As for the value, I asked about it but never really got an answer.

September 10, 2010

Very nice pistol, you will enjoy it. FYI you can shoot .44 Mag no problem kind of like a .357 with a .38 special. I use Win 296 or H110 to reload with, both are the same. The .445 will produce some spectacular muzzle blasts.
Without a beard you are no different from any woman or child.

February 16, 2016

super357guy said
I wouldn't recommend shooting 44 mag through it. Someone shot a lot of 44 mag through my 445 and now I have a problem with stuck cases when I shoot 445. I believe it is due to the ring left in the cylinder chambers from shooting the shorter 44mag.
Those cylinder bores can be cleaned up to resolve that issue.


DWF Supporters
June 11, 2016

Hello NE Wisconsin Guy, and thanks for the information. I do not own a re-loader so I will not be using the brass but thinking about just keeping it with the Super Mag and when I sell it the brass will go with it. It is more expensive to buy ammo but I get all my ammo from Reed's. I am not a regular at the outdoor range and it is only open in summer so the expense is not too bad. The only revolvers I shoot the year round are at the indoor range and they only allow up to 44 magnums.
I emailed the man that I bought it from and he told me he never shot it in competition but he used it for deer hunting and shot six deer with it over his hunting career he told me. I want to thank everyone for their input I really appreciate it.
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