I just bought a .445 sm 8"vh nib from a fellow that had bought a few of them back in the day,wow the fit and finish was top notch even though it was a palmer gun. I just shot it for the first time with 310 gr cast boolits in front of 31gr. Of h-110,it was a handful even though I am used to full house .44s but not that bad. I am impressed! I will get some pics up as soon as my son gets home.


January 24, 2009

R.M., let's see some ...
I agree with these guys, my Palmer guns have proven to be many the brightest & most well finished DW's in my collection! Today, I wouldn't disgruntle any Palmer gun.
Back on point, let's see some of your 445! So far, my only .445 is my stainless 7445 VH8S...
Although the 7445 DW is similar in power to my 454 Casull Seville, the guns themselves are worlds apart. But the "giggle factor" between the two is pretty much the same! hehe Even my most "laid back" shooter in my family, my (2nd son)...after 30 rounds or so recently said (and I'm paraphrasing)... "Ferhellsakes dad, give me back that Ruger!"...that would be my SBH (Super Black Hawk) plinking the 'ol wimpy .44's.
Me...Bwwahhaaa!! Honestly, he complained less a couple years ago...when his (then) girlfriend came along.
Nope, perish the thought! Here's the SBH...
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