Hello friends, I am the proud owner of a DW - 744SS. It has 2, 6'' & 2, 8'' barrels. One each is ported.. Two shrouds. In like new condition. When I install the barrel I follow the instructions to a T. At the range I shoot new Rem & WW factory 240 gr Jacked bullets, & some 220 grs Sierra Sil. bullet reloads. I shoot this same ammo out of my S&W - 29, & Ruger Blackhawk - shoots great & no problems.
I get spitback from the Dan Wesson. The cylinder locks up tight. The two 8'' barrels do this. I have not tried the 6'' barrels yet. I check & recheck the BC gap& it is .006 as specified. Why does it do this?? However the revolver shoots. With iron sights at 50 yards I have several 3 shot groups of less than 2'' & even shot a 2'' group, 5 shots at 100 yards with the Sierra reload. I just love the gun - but the spitback concerns me. Please help.
Question - Why do the ports in the barrel & shroud not line up over each other when installed???
My name is Pete LaBella. I live in Louisville, Colorado & belong to the best shooting range in the state. Green Mill, located in Erie, CO & it is 10 minutes from My home. You can email me if you want to shoot there as my guest. plabels466@q.com
Thanks guys - Merry Christmas - & good shootin'....................
Pete LaBella



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

1st- Welcome to the !
I'll try to help out. Empty the gun and then re-check. Cylinder is empty, Right?
Now close the cylinder and shine a light at the back of the cylinder while looking down the barrel. You should see the firing pin hole and nothing else. You're checking alignment now. Do this for all six chambers by dry firing in DA and holding the trigger to the rear after each pull (gun in full lock-up). If its not lined up- it will be obvious and you need a competent smith to correct.
Now the good news- its probably not an alignment issue:
If that's all OK- then drop the cylinder gap to .002-.003 on the proudest chamber of the cylinder (that is if the barrel cyllnder gap isn't consistant on all 6 chambers). IMO .006 is a bit wide and always allows too much gas to escape, on my 41 mags in particular.
Best Regards,
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

plabels466 said:
Question - Why do the ports in the barrel & shroud not line up over each other when installed???
First to the
. I believe the guys answered your first question but I will try this one. In all the ported barrels the holes are behind the slots, and I believe that is to equalize the gas pressure escaping the barrel. The inside of the shroud is a expansion chamber of sorts. Be sure to keep the inside of the shroud clean if you use the ported barrel as they tend to gum up and freeze the barrel if you get a little slack on cleaning.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

I'll add my Welcome to DWF as well! Absolutely clean your shroud and the port holes very regularly, and save yourself a lot of aggravation by never shooting lead in a ported barrel. I question the real value of the porting system on DW's.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

December 29, 2010

I refitted the BC gap to .200 - I still get some spit back. WOW!!! This pistol shoots - stiil getting great groups at 50 yards. I have a LER Burris scope mount base. LU-NT-DWSS - for a Dan Wesson. It will not fit my rib, either 6'' or 8'' shroud. I am in contact with Burris on this. Have any of you had this problem? I really want to scope this pistol to shoot gongs at 100 & 200 yards.
What is a DW Monsoon ?
Thanks for all your help so far - you guys are great.

May 17, 2010

DW Monsoon is DW Monson
Dan Wessons have been made in several plants through the years
Monson MA
Palmer MA
Norwich NY With Norwich being pre or post CZ ( that is when CZ bought out DW)
Beyond the Frame/Caliber/material.. we often further identify the gun by which plant it was made at.
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

pete7777 said:
I refitted the BC gap to .200 - I still get some spit back. WOW!!! This pistol shoots - stiil getting great groups at 50 yards. I have a LER Burris scope mount base. LU-NT-DWSS - for a Dan Wesson. It will not fit my rib, either 6'' or 8'' shroud. I am in contact with Burris on this. Have any of you had this problem? I really want to scope this pistol to shoot gongs at 100 & 200 yards.
What is a DW Monsoon ?
Thanks for all your help so far - you guys are great.
I have the same Burris base, and I'm pretty sure it was for a small frame DW. There is a difference in the thickness of the top of the rib on the V/VH shrouds small -vs- large frame. Mine won't fit on my 744, but is a very secure and snug fit on a 715.
Burris won't be much help, that is an out of production item.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

December 29, 2010

Sorry, I meant 0.002 Sometimes my age (72) does that to me. So, I shot the DW yesterday after swapping the ported 8'' barrel with the 8'' non ported barrel. Set the BC to 0.002. Still get spitback with factory ammo & my 220 gr. Sierra handload. Not much, but it is there.
Thanks to all of you for answering my questions. Again, this revolver shoots better than anything I own & I do have some great target 22s.
The gun weight really helps when shootin' full house loads. All in all this is one great revolver, & I really enjoy this forum.
Happy & Healthy New Year to all & good shootin'


January 24, 2009

pete7777 said:
Happy & Healthy New Year to all & good shootin'
The same to you, Pete!
Ya know...I bet there aren't too many 72 year olds who have been able to figure out this whole inter-web thingy so I think you're doing just fine. Make sure to drop in & give us some updates on your newfound range toy.

December 29, 2010

Shot the unported 8'' - 44- mag - barrel yesterday, still got some spitback. I will be selling the 6'' & 8'' ported barrels soon. Have no use for 4 barrels. The 8'' has less than 50 rounds fired & it looks as though the 6'' is unfired. Have no idea on pricing. Happy New Year to all you guys.


DWF Supporters
October 14, 2010

December 29, 2010

Well I finally got my DW-744-44 mag scoped. I had a Burris base that did not fit the rib. I took the DW 8''shroud & Burris base to a machinest friend who routed out some metal under the Burris base. Now it fits tight & perfect & looks great.
It wears a 2x6 Bushnell Elite scope. First time fired at 25 yards the first shot was perfect on the target. Then I managed to shoot 2 - 5 shot groups with Lazer cast 240 gr - 231 powder in 44 spec. cases. Both groups measured under 1".
Moving back to 50 yards using Sierra 220 gr Sil. bullets & 2400 powder in 44 mag cases primed with CCI mags, I shot 2 - 5 shot groups that measured 1''. Wow, this DW is better than expected.
I reduced the B/C gap to 0.200 & I have not had any spitback.
Our gun club has 6'' metal gongs at 100 & 200 yards. I will try them next. I hate to admit this but so far this revolver shoots just as good as my 454 Casull.
Now I am looking for an 8'' 357 Mag.
While the 8'' shroud was getting the base installed, I shot the 6'' barrel. Again, WOW!!! 1'' groups at 25 yards with the 44 special ammo.''.
I will be selling 2 extra barrels I have soon. 1-6'' & 1-8'' barrels, both ported.

December 29, 2010

Another WOW!!!. I shot my 44 mag loaded with WW296 & Hornady 240 gr XTPs. at the 200 yard 8'' gongers at our gun club. With a spotter the first 2 shots were low, then I hit 3 in a row on the gongs, from a sandbag rest. What a great load with a great revolver, really a fun gun to shoot even with max loads.
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