

Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Need some info I can't get from here, as the wife is caliper challenged...
I have a Monson Mass. .375 SM and was wondering if one of you fellas w/ the same could tell me what the throat length is? i.e.: from a crimped case mouth to the end of the cylinder.
I'm going to have a mould made and want to fill most of the usable space. If I could find out what the total length is, I'll know where to put the cannelure by backing off about 1/32".
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....


January 24, 2009

Ron, I loaned my trusty digital caliper to a neighbor a few months ago…and I haven't seen it since. I hate it when that happens.
So today, I have my old Vernier calipers. Inches on the top, millimeters on the bottom. Looks to me like it measures 9/16" from here…
Dang, this is the best pic my old camera has taken in a month!

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

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