March 22, 2016

pete_1 said
getting the best of me !!! I'll let you know soon. May have to eat spaghetti o's and beans and weenies for a while
, just gotta do it.
. Right Stinger?
. Then I'll stop. 45 will have to wait. But will be worth it. We'll see tomorrow.
said !!
hey, I'll bring down a BBq Pork-wich leftover for your lunch.. just kidding, I ate all the pork.
see ya mid day tomorrow... as they say,
which may be posted sometime tomorrow...
oh, make sure your wife ain't nowhere near where i pull in.. I don't wanna be on her bad side..
just saying my wife is like...

thanx bro.

Range Officer


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February 1, 2016

Thanks y'all. I'm happy as hell. Can't wait to shoot it. Got 44mags.and got some 445 sm's coming. Aren't cheap, but I'll have some brass ?
Black dog ammunition.com
Anyone used it before? They have 375 sm also, way not cheap.
Maybe not but close.
Did not think I'd have a .445 for a long time !!!! What did I know

March 22, 2016

hey, show them a picture of the inside of the top strap of the cylinder cutout, then they will understand it was never fired... no cut line. no marking whatsoever, and you cant hide that... I believe this gun was only fired once, with proof rounds, at the factory... now you have a dilemma.. do I shoot it, or not... shoot it man, shoot it bigtime, just if you shoot .44mag, make sure you scrub the cylinder meticulously afterwards, so you don't fracture s/m cases.. and it will never shoot .44 mags as accuratly as s/m ammo, they have to jump a long way to hit the forcing cone, but they will still be on spot.. just saying, I've shot .44 mag fodder out of my other .445's, and with a sight correction, they were very accurate and repeatable, but I didn't make a habit of it.. i really preferred the experience of firing the real thang, loaded, and reloaded, up to what I found max and safe.... it will push your face back, no, it will actually slam your face back, I have pics of my cheeks rolling back to my ears... and pictures of you shooting it in that manner will look like you got slammed with a 2x4... but the smile after will tell all..
soo glad to have passed this on.. seriously.
all I can do is stand here and thank you, and watch everyone else turn green with envy.. I'm glad we got together, and I think you will be very happy, but just be warned, this ain't a .44 mag.. so hold on... oh, those pachmeyer presentation grips are way more cool than the nubbly bumpy gripper ones everyone else has, and the price of them reflects it.. ( I put them on to make the deal a sweater one..)
enjoy brother, it is a good thang,
y'all that missed out on this.. well... I will say Dave's face really lit up when I stuck this in his hand, and said "it's yours, don't drop it.. and I don't want to hold it anymore for fear I'll scratch it..."
all good, and glad we have it sitting in the group, still.. Which is what truely and really wanted.. Karma, and I like Karma..
peace bro's
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