May 9, 2011

This is my first .44 mag so I didn't know what to expect when I pulled the trigger the first time. Maybe expecting the worst is a good thing because I was pleasantly surprised, it's not bad at all, in fact it's a lot of fun! I picked this up last week from a guy a little ways down the road, it came with rubber and wood grips and ported and non ported barrels. I haven't tried the non ported one yet.
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I'm pretty happy with the accuracy, the gun obviously shoots better than I do but I figure that's a good excuse to practice. The six holes directly above the ruler were shot from a sand bag and the other six off hand.
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I hear these will shoot good to 50 yards or more, I'll have to practice up and give it a try.

May 10, 2011

Sweet! I am also a DW noob, having picked up my first pair of 15-2s recently. One had a 12" barrel on it and, even though I'm sure it kicks less than your cannon, off a plastic V rest I managed 6 through the same ragged hole at 25 yards. I can't wait for them to come back from the factory so I can put a 6" and 2.5" barrel on them!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009


January 24, 2009

Congrats on landing your first DW .44, that one looks like a beauty.
As DWA stated, the ported barrels can tend to have lead & gunk build up inside, between the barrel & shroud. It's a good idea to pull it apart frequently & clean it out in there.
If you need a good barrel wrench, click the EWK Arms link at the right of this screen, those tools are top notch!
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