June 1, 2020

I recently purchased a Dan Wesson 445 from a nice old lady who’s husband had passed some time ago. The serial number on this revolver is: 445 S0019XX - Both the 445 at the beginning of the serial number and the last two digits of the serial number look like they were stamped in a slightly smaller font. I was wondering about approximate date of manufacture and value for a revolver of this type in very nice condition.
Thanks in advance, this my first post, so please forgive me if this is not the correct forum for a post of this type.

June 1, 2020

Stinger said
Spoon Dog said
Here are some pics of my first Dan Wesson ... I think it’s really pretty.
Yes, it is really pretty. From what I can see in the pics, it is much more than "very nice condition" .. I'd go as far as "Like new, barely fired", so easily $1,200 plus.
WOW!! Thanks!
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