July 10, 2011

So I had fallen in love with my friends super mag and he has owned several. So I purchased one of these fine revolvers from him. Its a beautiful Norwich 445 with two compensated barrels. I have a 8 and 3 inch barrels. I have been shooting reloads successfully up until this last week. Hornady XTP 240 grain 4227 powder 30.8 wt. This last week during a shooting session it started blowing the shroud nut off the barrel. I was using the 8 inch barrel and have done so successfully before with no issues using either barrel. Not sure what the problem could be. I went out with a clean barrel, no build up on the venting. Properly installed barrel using gauge. Had it double checked by my friend who has owned many 445 Supermags. I am new to reloading so I am using reloads done by someone with experience doing so. Rounds thru another 445 without the compensated barrel had no issues of course. Could it be a reloading issue? barrel installation issue ? Sorry for long winded post.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

First to the
. Sounds like the threads on the nut and shroud must be stripped.
Is there any evidence of the bullet striking the nut as it passes through? I think it would leave a mark if it did. Hopefully it will be something simpler. Keep us informed and good luck.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Just to clarify--he is talking about the "cap nut" on the end of the comp shroud, not the barrel tightening nut.
I suppose the pressure from a round going off could have stripped off the threads if the nut was loose before the round went off. Lots of gas/flame/pressure that has to go somewhere.

July 10, 2011

Thanks for the welcome. I tried two nuts and same results. Put about fifty rounds thru before with no issues. Bad news is the area we were shooting made it impossible to recover the shroud nuts. How tight should it be. I would assume more than hand tight. I figure the threads on the nut are softer than the shroud for just such a instance. Sounds like one thing for sure is a non vented barrel in my future. I want to shoot some heavier rounds but don't think that's and option with these barrels.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009


January 24, 2009

SHOOTIST357 said:
Just to clarify--he is talking about the "cap nut" on the end of the comp shroud, not the barrel tightening nut.
I agree, and we need clarification on this. A comp shroud used TWO nuts...one inner one to hold the barrel/shroud together & an outer one to make the comp work. I would guess that it's merely the outer comp nut that has the issue.
A .445 compensated barrel assembly is pictured below...
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