June 13, 2014

New to me 6" 44 magnum VH. I thought in shooter condition but turned out much better. This is a teaser, you'll have to wait until LB finishes the grip and I stipple it and put the Millet sights on before I post pictures. This gun came with a 3lb single action and a very nice 7.5lb double action. Question is it has the checked long hammer like a Palmer but it's a Munson gun, what the heck?
The large frame .44 had a shorter hammer in the beginning but around the 10,000 serial# the hammer was lengthened and checkered. That was in the early 80's. Most Monson large frames had the longer hammer. It seems that all large frame and supermag guns were made at the Palmer facility and roll marked Monson as that was the corporate headquarters. With another change in ownership in 1991, the name was changed to Wesson Firearms and the Palmer rollmark was used. The shrouds also were changed then to just read the cartridge.
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