DWF Supporters
July 22, 2018

DWF Supporters
April 14, 2018

I have found that there isn’t much, if any, price difference between the 44 Special and the 44 Magnum so I just shoot the magnums. I recommend using SJSP (semi-jacketed soft point) ammo since I have had some problems with lead fouling with my DW 44. Also, if you want to go hunting with the pistol the 240 grain Magtech SJSP is one hell of a round.
I also started with the 10” HV barrel but that didn’t last long. It is so heavy that I couldn’t shoot very long with it. The 10” HV weighs almost as much as the frame alone. So I’m now shooting with the 8” V barrel and liking that a lot more. I also have a 4” HV that I need to try out.
The range I use won’t let me shoot 44 mag on the pistol range so I have to go to their rifle range which is only 15 yards not the 20 at the pistol range. At first I wondered at the shorter rifle range but I see now that 20 yards is still really short for a rifle and the missing 5 yards really doesn’t make any difference. 20 yards for a pistol is still a challenge if you us 3” targets.

DWF Supporters
June 17, 2014

JohnD said
I have found that there isn’t much, if any, price difference between the 44 Special and the 44 Magnum so I just shoot the magnums. I recommend using SJSP (semi-jacketed soft point) ammo since I have had some problems with lead fouling with my DW 44. Also, if you want to go hunting with the pistol the 240 grain Magtech SJSP is one hell of a round.I also started with the 10” HV barrel but that didn’t last long. It is so heavy that I couldn’t shoot very long with it. The 10” HV weighs almost as much as the frame alone. So I’m now shooting with the 8” V barrel and liking that a lot more. I also have a 4” HV that I need to try out.
The range I use won’t let me shoot 44 mag on the pistol range so I have to go to their rifle range which is only 15 yards not the 20 at the pistol range. At first I wondered at the shorter rifle range but I see now that 20 yards is still really short for a rifle and the missing 5 yards really doesn’t make any difference. 20 yards for a pistol is still a challenge if you us 3” targets.
Hi John,
Thanks for the input.
Yeah the 44 Specials I bought are for 2 things first is kind of a low power function test of the gun before ramping up to full power loads.
Second it will give my wife an intro to this gun before seeing if she can handle the 44 mag loads. She is a very small woman however she has shot the 715 with full power 357 loads.
It is good to know about the Magtech loads since that is the 44 Mag loads that I have bought for full power testing.
Ironically I am not a hunter, since this is a perfect hunting setup. But it nice to know which loads will work well with it. I figure that I will have to use the rifle range at my indoor shooting range as well, nothing like shooting a 22 lr or a 9mm and have one of these cannons go off on the next lane to scare the you know what out of you. Ha, ha.

DWF Supporters
June 17, 2014

Rex Beachmont said
Thank you for documenting the saga. I so appreciate you guys for posting valuable information that i can put to use on the spot.
Hi Rex,
Yeah I like to share experiences whenevery I can.
Honestly I probably could have done a good cleaning, and called it done.
However I like to make sure everything is as it should be especially with something this powerful. I want to know that I am getting the most out of the gun and I cannot do that without checking everything first. I am a little OCD, not like some people but just enough to drive others nuts at times.

DWF Supporters
April 14, 2018

I figure that I will have to use the rifle range at my indoor shooting range as well, nothing like shooting a 22 lr or a 9mm and have one of these cannons go off on the next lane to scare the you know what out of you. Ha, ha.
I had a experience like that Saturday at the range. I started out with a .22 at 20 yards, then 9mm at 5 yards, then using my DW 15-2 shooting .38 special at 20 yards. The .38 rounds in my DW and an 8” barrel has a peculiar sound like an axe biting in to a tree. Next I went to something I have wanted to try before I went hunting. Buffalo Bore 180 grain JHP .357 magnums that are supposed to do 1500 fps out of a 6” barrel. My first shot was at 7 yards so I could see right away where it hit and boy did it ever. My DW 44 doesn’t boom as much. I almost needed to take a step back and the target paper blew back quite a ways from the muzzle blast. The reaction was silence on the range and an OMG from the next lane. I cranked the target out to 20 yards and shot one more. I put the hole where I wanted it, got a “He did it again.” from next door, and called it a day. The Buffalo Bores cost about $1.50 a piece and it’s startling.

DWF Supporters
June 17, 2014

JohnD said
I figure that I will have to use the rifle range at my indoor shooting range as well, nothing like shooting a 22 lr or a 9mm and have one of these cannons go off on the next lane to scare the you know what out of you. Ha, ha.
I had a experience like that Saturday at the range. I started out with a .22 at 20 yards, then 9mm at 5 yards, then using my DW 15-2 shooting .38 special at 20 yards. The .38 rounds in my DW and an 8” barrel has a peculiar sound like an axe biting in to a tree. Next I went to something I have wanted to try before I went hunting. Buffalo Bore 180 grain JHP .357 magnums that are supposed to do 1500 fps out of a 6” barrel. My first shot was at 7 yards so I could see right away where it hit and boy did it ever. My DW 44 doesn’t boom as much. I almost needed to take a step back and the target paper blew back quite a ways from the muzzle blast. The reaction was silence on the range and an OMG from the next lane. I cranked the target out to 20 yards and shot one more. I put the hole where I wanted it, got a “He did it again.” from next door, and called it a day. The Buffalo Bores cost about $1.50 a piece and it’s startling.
You should see the reaction to the 158 gr. Buffalo Bore 357 rnds out of a 715 at the indoor range. you can feel the blast wave 2 lanes away. And for the record with my EWK 8" barrel it shot those rounds 1616 fps at 158 gr. Buffalo Bore makes some stout ammo, thats 916 ft lbs out of a 357 mag!!!
My Buddy that wants to shoot my 744, just grinned from ear to ear when he tried it and he is an extremely experienced shooter. I think the Buffalo Bore 44 mags will have to wait until we shoot outdoors just to be polite.
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