DWF Supporters

Dans Club
February 16, 2014

I finally got some pictures of my pistol pack and wanted to post for your comments. I think it s the most beautiful 44 mag set I have seen. I came across this at a gun show, made an offer and to my surprise, he accepted. I have never seen another case like this one, or a 10", 8", 6", 4", five barrel set. Maybe something was added or maybe the 8" unported shroud is missing. The 8” shroud is the only one that is ported and it has all metal front site and the additional 8” barrel is ported. SN 0095xx. It came to me with the Hogue grip. I added the zebra wood. I didn’t see the plaque on the front of the case until we had closed the deal and I went to carry it off. I thought maybe this is a real find. My understanding is that it was early 1980 that DW began making the 44 and I thought maybe this is one of the early ones. Any info and all comments are greatly appreciated.

you could date it better if you should the place of manufacture Norwich or monsoon or palmer . My guess is it is a Norwich and the serial number is also etched on the shrouds, hopefully all the shrouds are so marked. No matter what you hit the jackpot on this one. I would guess it could bring something in the $2000 pluss++++. Show us some pic of yhe other side and the shrouds.


DWF Supporters
May 11, 2011

I believe those cases are First Issue from the Norwich Plant. Each barrel in the pack should have a serial number that matches the gun, with a first issue seal, Like the one on the brass plate on the box. Some information can be found on this web site here
Hope everything matches like it should if gun came with case. Really nice pack. I would have bought it in heartbeat.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club
February 16, 2014


January 24, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club
February 16, 2014


DWF Supporters
May 11, 2011

First, that is a real nice pack, the barrel showing in photo I believe is a newer style barrel and isn't the type that was used for guns from Monson. Monson Shrouds have a roll mark with lettering that resembles what is on the frame. Again, very nice pack, it's hard to find all those barrels assemblies for a 44 mag. Maybe somebody else will chime in with a date for the revolver.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Nice PP that someone put together. You should know that since the frame is Monson made, the only barrel shroud that is original is the ported 8-inch shroud. For the original .44 magnums (Monson and perhaps some Palmer made units) all of the shrouds were ported except the 10 inch.
Also, all of the shrouds from Monson were roll-marked;
Some Palmer made shrouds were roll-marked with just the second line above.
All Norwich shrouds are laser engraved.
Still a very nice PP. It's very hard to assemble one. I still have several that are incomplete.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club
February 16, 2014

Thanks for the great information. What I have is a Norwich era case with matching 4,6 and 10" B/A's and a Monson frame with a matching 8" B/A. The 8" shroud is the only one roll marked as you guys said. The 4,6,and 10 just have the etching: 44 Magnum. And the front sight on the ported 8" is a target upgrade? Thanks for your help. It is good to know the kind of details you guys are able to come up with. Am I correct that a Norwich gun with an 8" B/A would make this set correct , excluding accessories?
thanks again


DWF Supporters
May 11, 2011

The brass emblem on the case has a first issue seal, the barrels would have to be marked with same. First issue barrels also have the serial number that match the revolver's serial number. Your case looks like the brass plate was added. I've never seen the screws that are hold it in place before, but maybe someone else has, all mine have brass rivets. You would need a first issue gun with the matching barrels to be correct.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

ParaNormal said
Am I correct that a Norwich gun with an 8" B/A would make this set correct , excluding accessories?thanks again
You could do that, and it would pass for correct. However, probably the only Norwich BA you have is the one marked "First Issue". The others are probably Palmer or special-ordered from Norwich to complete the PP. They can't (or won't) engrave the first issue marking on the shroud.
I would try to find Monson made barrel assemblies to match the Monson frame. As scarce as they might be, I think that they would be easier to find than a Norwich frame. Also, the Norwich frame would have to have the same SN as the Norwich BA. That sounds like an impossible task.
Then you'll need to get an old style case and sell all of the Palmer/Norwich stuff.
Sounds like a fun quest and good DWAS medication.
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