May 21, 2018

I keep an eye on Gone-broker for DW S/M's, and normally I get disappointed because they go for big money. Missed out a couple times on 445 Alaskans and regular 445's here and there, but four days ago, I scored.
Already had one 445, a shooter I got from Cabelas for $1050 two or three years back, and then I got a shot at a really nice one....long term storage with box, papers, and wrench.....
If there's anything as good as a 445 Super Mag, it's TWO 445 Super Mags LOL.....
Blessed is he, whom when confronted with death, thinks only of his front sight...



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

I was bottom feeding and supporting the value of our collections. I have been going crazy buying small, concealable revolvers for myself and Xmas gifts to friends and family. One for me, one for the wife, one for the safe and a couple for kids and buds. OF EACH MODEL. LOL.
I just bought several Alfa Proj 357 snubnoses, a couple Alfa Proj 9mm 3", a couple of Charter Arms 44cspec and 32 mag Professionals. A number of Taurus 856 38 special. All very reasonable prices. I highly recommend Sportsmans Supply. No CC fee and 15 shipping.
I seem to be on a Registered Magnum and premodel 27 spree though.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

May 21, 2018

This seller says they have an older guy (local to them) who is selling off a big collection a little at a time. A few weeks back, they auctioned off another 445 serial number 003 (think it was a Gates #)...had a 10” barrel. I got beat out on that one.
They’ve had several DW sets lately.
Missed out on this 32 mag IMSHA set too....
Blessed is he, whom when confronted with death, thinks only of his front sight...
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