Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

I got done with work early today and the weather FINALLY moderated a bit, temps in the upper 30's so I thought I'd take a trip to the range (outdoor). I haven't shot much in the last six months so I thought I'd air out a few of the supermags. I took my Monson 740 8VS and my Palmer 7445 10VH . I figured middle of the afternoon on a weekday, should be no crowd, WRONG! I got there and had to wait for a shooting point to open, which was fine since it was just nice to be able to be outside without shivering. I got a spot at on of the 20 yard targets and got down to business. I decided to shoot the 445 first since I had some new loads I've been anxious to try out, 240gn JRN over 31gn of H110. They turned out to be fairly stout but not bad, at least from my perspective. After my first cylinder the guy to my left shooting his XD about 8 feet away says to me, 'what the hell is that thing?' I answered '445 Supermag'. His buddy about another 6 feet over said 'do you live around here?' I said not far why? he says ' "cause I don't ever want to come by your place at night, you could shoot somebody through a wall with that cannon". I laughed and we resumed shooting. After the next six, the guy beside me says, 'man that thing is wicked, my sunglasses vibrate every time you shoot!' His buddy says, I'm trying to time my shots between yours, 'cause its making me flinch'. I said, 'oh its not that bad, is it?' and they pointed to the people on the 10 yd targets all packing up their stuff and leaving. In a matter of five minutes I had the entire pistol range to myself, everybody left! I think I'm going to name my Palmer 7445 "The Range Sweeper" for the way it cleared out the place. I had a nice enjoyable time all by myself after that. Turned out to be a good trip especially for being rusty, the Dan's made me look good. Here's a few pics.
The target on the left was my first six shots, offhand at 20 yds. The one on the right is the one I finished up with. I felt pretty good about the grouping.
The 740 did well also despite the barrel shooting loose. I didn't catch that until I got home, still made me look good although there was nobody there to see it 🙂
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Very cool picture for me for several reasons:
1) While on leave at home after a 14 month deployment in the Persian Gulf, my son stumbled across this gun at my favorite "DW Honey Hole". NIB, unfired, S/N 000001 .445 Supermag. I "bought" it on the spot, and eventually "gave" it to my son.
2) Once he heard about this, my good friend Jody sent me a bunch of .445 SM brass. My son sat in the living room with his reloading press clamped onto a Black&Decker Workmate, loading out ammunition on the reloading equipment stored here while he was deployed.
3) When we shot this gun, everyone on line crowded around to get a look at the Big Dog, and when punching holes in the paper was not enough, we started breaking rocks on the berm.
4) As a special gift for my son, LB constructed this one of a kind display stand for the gun, some of the ammo, and one of the chunks of granite that I saved from that day.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

Man, I'm sitting here just giggling out loud! Clearing out the range is just too funny!!
I had a similar experience about 18 months ago, although to a lesser degree. My brother & I were just setting up to shoot at my "range" (the hillside a couple miles from my house), when two guys showed up with about 10 young kids & started setting up shop very near us (uncomfortably near, like 40 feet away). I mean, there's lots of room on that hillside, but they had to be right there?
Since I didn't feel like dodging stray 22's being fired from kids, I told my brother "watch this". I whipped out my Super Blackhawk & sent a quick cylinder full downrange, before the two guys got their ear muffs on. I look over afterward & all the kids are plugging their ears, while the two guys hurriedly packed up and split!
Ahhh, peace & quiet at last.

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

May 16, 2012

Cool story! Revolves and specially Dan's I believe have a certain appeal! You cant compare the menacing look of a full sized silver beast to a modern tupperware gun! Every single time that I visit the range there will be someone new that will come nearby to admire and ask questions. Here in Greece my Dan is probably unique and because magnum ctgs are forbidden the last 10 years, revolvers have vanished. The last time there I fired 6 357's from an old stash (shhhh!!) while the range was empty, after I informed the range marshals, and they gathered around to see how a 357 is like.
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