February 20, 2023

I sure it’s pretty mundane for most but a personal win for me. I paid $1,300 for the DW and misc plus an H and R 1873 little big horn repo and a sporterized 1938 Mauser with Shaw 25-06 super heavy barrel.
Fun guessing game for anyone willing, what would be some arbitrary values?
My thought was $250-$400 for the Mauser with waffen proofs and $350-$600 for the H and R with a value of the DW around $850-$1000 depending on the day.
I am really digging the DW with the quality and accuracy. Bonus points for the other 2 snubbies in the 2nd pic.

Dans Club
December 7, 2020

Very Nice! You are too low on the Dan Wesson with barrels included: Individually, the 714VH4 is maybe $850 by itself. The 10" Stainless BA, is easily $800+. The 6" BA, abt $400. The 2.5" barrel might be a goldmine as I think there are two heer on the forum looking to complete a set.
the snubbies: Blued 1940-50s? Stainless 1970s?

February 20, 2023

Thanks for the additional information Scout it’s greatly appreciated. I have to admit that I buy but almost never sell (regret everyone sold) but happy to hear I didn’t do bad. When my coworker mentioned he had the DW for sale I jumped all over it and kinda got sucked into the Mauser and trapdoor. Who isn’t a sucker for odd finds?
I think you’re pretty close on the snubs, I have researched them but was my thought also. Colt cobra and smith j frame.

February 20, 2023

Anyone have thoughts on what this originally came with barrel wise? I don’t think it was a pack with the fixed sites and long barrel. My assumption the 6” or short barrel. The 4” is a CZ production. It’s pretty interesting all the different combos everyone has and the total unknowns with items missing paperwork and no factory records.
The only BA that is for the 714 is the 21/2". The others are for a 715,adjustable sight model. They will work with a 714 if you have the low profile front sight available from EWK or maybe a factory, low profile sight. Scout is correct about the values for the extra BAs. They will sell quickly on eBay if you can't get the front sights replaced if necessary. The 21/2", of course is original with the frame. You can possibly file the front sights down if it shoots low with the other BAs on. It is not a big deal to replace the front sights if you have to at a later date. Best though to buy a 715 also to use those extra BAs on. Lol.

February 20, 2023

Anyone happen to have an extra 715 laying around HAHA. I was always told patience is a virtue that I have none of.
I’ve checked out EWK and will most likely get an order in soon for replacement front sites. My other thought is to see if I can mill out for an adjustable rear sight. I know that’s not the most prudent option and not my preference but time will tell the tail if I can’t locate a 715.
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