August 29, 2009

I am not really familiar with this sight or model number, but by the placement of the elevation screw it looks like it will fit the small frame revolvers also. I believe the Hi Viz Ruger revolver rear sight should also fit the small frame guns.
If you're interested in a Blackhawk sight without the logo which will fit the small frame guns (for cheap), send me a PM.

August 20, 2023

I thank you, but Mr Bowen was kind enough to send me several to try in my Dan. Seems the one with the hump does not work as well as the older ones do. I've got this one coming from Jack First, it looks like it will be a nice clean black rear sight, no out lines or color coordination, just flat black. I hope it works, t'was not inexpensive...

August 20, 2023

Yeah, price was pretty tough to swallow, BUT, it's "perfect", a nice, clean, sharp, tight uncluttered sight picture with no contrasting faded white lines to blur the contrast. I'll tell you what it looks like, it looks exactly like the most recent style that CZ put on their Model 715 Stainless guns. (At least comparing to internet pictures.)
I am concerned because the rear sights' blade is a lot taller then the one I took off, but in truth, that rear sight was pretty elevated for 25 yds, so this one might be fine anyway. If I can hit center with a center hold at 15 yds, that's fine even if the rear sight is bottomed out. Plus, I have a set of Partridge sight blades coming from EWK and can move those around as necessary. I prefer that front blade style for a plain sight picture.
It's in the cleaning room now, I'll post a pic later today.

August 20, 2023

We'll see, so long as the front blade can be made to compensate for the taller rear, I'll be happy with the resultant sight picture. No, there was no markings like "Millett" or "BoMar" or even "Italy" or "LPA" on the body anywhere. Just what you see up top; Dan Wesson, Up & Right. Look at the newest pics of the CZ era Dan Wessons 715s, I think it might be that sight, made for CZ by somebody in Italy or such? (I mean, why the need to put "Dan Wesson" on YOUR companies sight, otherwise?) Looks like I DID sacrifice my "all Allan" wrenchability, and I'll have to include a fine flat blade screw-turn to crank on it to chase my incompetence around the target board...
found a pic of a newer CZ made Dan Wesson 715, showing THAT rear in place, little hump down, "Dan Wesson" and all...
Here is my Dan Wesson, with that same rear sight (from Jack First) installed;

Like I said, only concern will be the front blade height required., might need to be taller?

August 20, 2023

And I just walked back in from running two cylinders full each of .357 125 gr and .38 125s, and both shot precisely to point of aim at 15 yds with that rear sight one click off of being bottomed out, and a plain black ramp front sight. There goes any concerns I might have had about the rear sight blade being too tall. Nope, it's too "Perfect"...
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