November 17, 2013
I will attach some photos I took this morning of the new holsters that were made for me by a forum member. He has the capability now to make a holster for the new dan wessons as well I will post these pictures for you to see these show both the new and old dw 715 and the new holsters that were made for me and I will let dave post here to answer your questions all I can say is they fit like a glove and the workmanship is superb and he is the greatest guy to deal with . chief
Dans Club
January 17, 2015
December 4, 2014
Chief, thanks for the positive review on the holsters. Regarding a lining for man of blues, the holsters do not have any lining and is the unfinished gloss side of the Kydex plastic sheet. Other Kydex holster makers have found that felt or any other similar material that can have the ability to trap and hold dirt and dust inside the holster will become a fine grit sand paper over time due to the dirt trapped in the material that is intended to protect the firearm. The Kydex holster is made so that it can be washed out anytime it gets dirty to prevent the scratching action that trapped dirt in the holster can cause to the firearm. I would caution you that in my experience that no holster allows you to carry a firearm without any possible damage to the finish. In my opinion a safe queen is a just that and to keep the finish in good shape I would not holster it. The DW's that I do carry are working guns with good but not great finishes and I have found that the wear to the finish on the 15-2 2.5 VH that I wear for CCW carry and gun shows when I am selling holsters is acceptable to me.
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