November 3, 2019
Just picked this up at my LGS; it came out of an estate. It has a few spots of lost finish (see the right side photo at the muzzle) but a lot of it looks like it might have been stored in a holster rather than holster wear. It's a Monson gun with the frame showing that distinct Barney tint. It came with the Hogue grips and nothing else but the price was too good to pass up. This makes 5... I think the DW virus has taken hold...
Question, though... has anyone ever seen a fiber optic front sight for the 14? I know, I can paint the front sight but it can't hurt to ask - I haven't found any so far.
November 3, 2019
Turns out the question is moot, the back end of the front sight cracked off upon firing. Guess it was already cracked and I didn't see it. It also shot over 6" high at 15 yards - it clearly needed a taller front sight. For now, it'll wear a 2" barrel with a cut down Model 15 front sight; I have another plain Model 15 ramp sight on order, I'll drill it for the cross pin (a roll pin this time, not the soft solid pin), get it cut to the correct height and paint it.
The one thing that bothered me on shooting it is that with the barrel/cylinder gap set at .006, it spit powder residue to both sides. The barrel is clearly newer than the revolver as it's laser marked. Is there any issue with running a smaller gap, maybe just enough to give clearance all around the cylinder?
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