October 18, 2017

Thanks, Steve. I guess it’s really not that ugly, just an unusual group of components. 15-1 frame wearing a W12 barrel assembly, but a patridge front sight installed. The grip is powerwood, which was not DW’s best idea. Still, my trip to the range this morning verified the superb accuracy of this setup.

October 18, 2017

Actually, I borrowed that heading from an article I read in Gun Digest from the early 70’s. The author was reviewing the Colt Agent revolver. Hard times at Colt’s. They didn’t have enough experienced polishers, so only the Pythons and such got the good finish, while guns like the Agent got parkerized. The author was impressed with how the gun shot, but not with the finish.


January 24, 2009

Looks pretty schweet to me! But I may be a little biased, I definitely have an affinity for most any variation of DW Porkchops...especially the "ugly nut crowd". Long ago, before I owned my first one, I said "those guns have a face only a mother could love"!
But then I really fell in love with those ugly ducklings. Being a 15-1, I bet it runs really great. I love my 15-1, although the cylinder is the most finicky of all my DW's, it does NOT like to (more like absolutely will NOT) chamber my reloads! So far I've been kinda butthurt.
But it is just fine with absolutely any factory load...I really need to figure out what I'm doing wrong, all my other .357's are just fine with my reloads. Pretty sure it's in the final crimp. Anyway...
What did you use to refinish the Powerwood grips? Looks really nice from here.
My 15-1, the picky little bugger!

October 18, 2017

I definitely hear you on the tight chambers of the 15-1. Mine is the same way. Spent cartridge cases from any of my other .357’s will barely start in if I try to insert one. I haven’t reloaded for about 35 years, so I only shoot factory, and have had no problems. As far as my powerwood grip is concerned; I never refinished it, it looked just like that when I purchased it off eBay a few years ago. Its unique color is not very attractive, and I’ve never seen another one that looks like that. Your powerwood grip looks great! It seems that some of them have the tiny W medallions and some don’t.

May 6, 2024

On the Subject of Reloads and Pork Chops...
My HS, is also Fussy...But, generally with Lead Boolits! It will Not readily chamber typical .358+ boolits. They Must be sized to precisely .358, or less. Even some Jacketed projectiles give problems if loaded into Winchester Nickle plated brass. I combat that situation by only using Unplated (brass) brass! for that firearm, accross the board...Problem Solved....For Me

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

May 6, 2024

Because I check both chambers and Throats...due to loading self Cast Lead Boolits. I have found that the throats are slightly Small, and may be due to the (measured) chambers being tapered for some reason..possibly even shorter chambers..tho that seems Not to be the case, the darn things "act" that way (short chambers)... Rather than re-invent the darn gun...I just load accordingly...since the late '70's!!!!


January 24, 2009

3ric said
I definitely hear you on the tight chambers of the 15-1. Mine is the same way. Spent cartridge cases from any of my other .357’s will barely start in if I try to insert one. I haven’t reloaded for about 35 years, so I only shoot factory, and have had no problems. As far as my powerwood grip is concerned; I never refinished it, it looked just like that when I purchased it off eBay a few years ago. Its unique color is not very attractive, and I’ve never seen another one that looks like that. Your powerwood grip looks great! It seems that some of them have the tiny W medallions and some don’t.
My grip is actual wood, not Powerwood. If I recall, the gun came to me wearing a rubber Pachmayr. In 2009, fellow member Shootist357 found the grip somewhere...shown in post #15 HERE. I bought it from him in 2010 for my 15-1 because it was unique & to me it looks fairly period correct. At the time, he was thinking it was an actual DW grip, but I'm not so certain.
Interesting that your Powerwood is how you found it. Like you, I have never seen another one in that color, very interesting.

October 18, 2017

No wonder your powerwood grip looked so good to me; it’s actually wood, and a very attractive one at that. DW, or not, it looks great. I sometimes wonder if my powerwood grip achieved its unique color by some odd storage situation, or perhaps the original owner found some method to get it that color. Still, I actually like the way it feels in the hand.


January 24, 2009

October 18, 2017

Just a couple of little things to add to this thread: The only “tight chambers” are on the 15-1 as far as I know. The W12 chambers are not tight, but are recessed a little deeper than the later guns, so case heads are usually flush with the rim with cartridges loaded instead of protruding a bit. Also, the extractor rod is noticeably shorter on the W12 (and also the corresponding relief slot on the shroud) which means that a W12 shroud won’t fit a 15-1 unless you swap out the rod.

May 6, 2024

3ric said
Just a couple of little things to add to this thread: The only “tight chambers” are on the 15-1 as far as I know. The W12 chambers are not tight, but are recessed a little deeper than the later guns, so case heads are usually flush with the rim with cartridges loaded instead of protruding a bit. Also, the extractor rod is noticeably shorter on the W12 (and also the corresponding relief slot on the shroud) which means that a W12 shroud won’t fit a 15-1 unless you swap out the rod.
Interesting observation.. Having low experience level with Pork Chop Dans...I can only relate to my HS Sentinel.
Would like to see an example of a W12 Chamber...Just for edification...tho it ain't gonna change My tight Chamber situation..
Again..If I do Not use Nickel Winchester Brass...the situation abates...and if I Use Unplated Brass period, I have Far less Problems with My MKIII
Actually, the exterior nut models, 11 and 12 (also 8 and 9) are basically identical to the 14 and 15 except for the barrel nut and the 14 and 15 barrels being 1/4" shorter. The 14-1 and 15-1(HS Mk11 and 111) have different sights, different cylinder latch (the modern one) and they don't have the short hammer throw trigger. There are some other very minor differences too. I am also a Pork Chop lover. My bedside gun is a nickel 14 with Wolfe Springs that has one of the best and fastest DA trigger of any revolver made. The combination of nickel, short hammer throw and Wolfe Springs is magical.

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

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