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July 22, 2018
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July 22, 2018
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July 22, 2018
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July 22, 2018
October 17, 2017
October 17, 2017
I agree about the Pachmayr grips for shooting, but the original DW wood grips sure are pretty. I don't notice much difference in the recoil, but I definitely find that I have better control of the gun. It's easier to hold on target as it doesn't have that 'slippery' feel of the wood grip.
Dans Club
December 5, 2008
DWF Supporters
July 22, 2018
A beautiful gun, 3ric! I've got all kinds of wooden clogs for them, but to my taste, the blue guns look best wearing a Gripper or like you have it, nice and elegant Presentation. I tell you, I take the .44s to the range and my wife can shoot 260gr ammo all day using the old Presentation with Decelerator. Switch to any wood grips and felt recoil really increases.
My Baby Lets Me Do What I Want
DWF Supporters
July 22, 2018
snake-eye said
Great pics! Thanks. The 4H with the Grippers is a perfect look.I do prefer the Hogue rubber grips for shooting, but I have also spent way too much money on pretty grips too!
I stopped complaining about the wife and her shoe fetish cause I was doing the same thing with grips. So many looks and styles. Must have a couple grand on Python and Diamondback grips alone! Only difference is that my purchases, unlike her ugly shoes, have real intrinsic value the chick knows nothing about. But I don't tell her that, however, or she might not let me do what I want anymore.
My Baby Lets Me Do What I Want
DWF Supporters
July 22, 2018
Dans Club
February 22, 2009
October 17, 2017
It's a good thing I don't have any more than two grips and two barrels; otherwise I wouldn't get much of anything much else done but change the outfits around on "Barbie" LOL!
Actually, I'm leaving her as is for awhile. Shooting my second IHMSA match on Saturday with the 4 in. barrel. Second gun will be a .45 Colt hog leg with 4.75 in. barrel. Wish me luck!
October 17, 2017
Practice is the name of the game for sure. I was ready for my first shoot last month; lots of dry fire practice and range time in preparation right up until the day before. I shot reasonably well for my first match. This time around I was on the road for four days before the shoot wit no practice of any kind. Made a huge difference, for the worse. I never really got completely comfortable with my hold, and being very tired in general didn't help either. I'll do much better next time if I can manage my time better.
3ric, you might want to use an 8 inch for IHMSA. Even longer sight radius. My favorite is the Vent 10". The VH in 8 or 10 is quite muzzle heavy.
Rex, my last gun purchase, which is not in yet, is a 31/2" S&W Registered Magnum. Being a blue chip investment it cost me an additional TWO Coach purses and a matching Coach change purse. I really should not have bragged about my super deal. Oh well, Happy Wife, Happy Life. I usually try to get her to pick out a gun too. My motto is " Her gun is my gun."
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