Dans Club
January 17, 2015

Dans Club
January 17, 2015


January 24, 2009

This has been around the interwebz for quite a while, but just in case anyone hasn't seen it...
This one isn't really a funny pic, but more of an awesome one, IMO. I found it recently, along with the story...
These two bullets were found after the Battle of Gallipoli which started in 1915 and ended in 1916 during WWI. The allies consisted of British, French, Australia and New Zealand against a fierce Turkish Army. In the end, the allied side lost 46,000 troops while the Turkish lost 65,000 with the allies retreating from the battle.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

"May be sleeping..."? You are "Dead Man Walking" if your Commander in Chief ever see's this.
The Boss and I have an agreement, let me have DWF, and you can have EVERYTHING else on the internet. It's possible that this agreement it in place, but "possible" is the highest security level I can be comfortable with in situations like this.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

DWF Supporters
February 1, 2016

PSMFG2 said
pete_1 said
This will be hanging over loading bench in house garage, where I may be sleepingOh Boy!
Your in trouble now...
Your close to the hosp. PSMFG2, you got an extra cot ?
No, after 16 yrs.I know her pretty good. She got home, bad day, saw the sign and cracked up. Had me put over hole from firewood in back door. She's OK

DWF Supporters
February 1, 2016

Another funny thing w/I found that sign. I went Dunhams sporting to get a case for my 445. The only triangle type big enough said SMITH & Wesson, I said to salesman "you don't have any like this wo/S&W. I can't put a DW in this, it would be blasphemy !!" But I got another one and the signs just came in, in box on gun case still. I found that one and gotta have that, I said.

Dans Club
January 17, 2015

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011

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