
January 24, 2009


DWF Supporters
March 17, 2016

Charger Fan said
That is cool! Looks like it's in great shape, too.
Thanks CF and Pete! Yeah it really is in good shape, and is a hoot to drive. It was restored 30 years ago and has set in a garage most of the time since. Everything works, but that didn't include much 88 years ago!

DWF Supporters
February 1, 2016

Way cool to drive, unlike Model T, you have 4 wheel brakes{sometimes conv. to hyd.],
an actual clutch and gear shift and windows !! Does it have a rumble seat ?
I road in a rumble seat w a friend w/kids and raining. We had the lid closed, on a long tour,
to keep dry !


DWF Supporters
March 17, 2016

pete said
Way cool to drive, unlike Model T, you have 4 wheel brakes{sometimes conv. to hyd.],an actual clutch and gear shift and windows !! Does it have a rumble seat ?
I road in a rumble seat w a friend w/kids and raining. We had the lid closed, on a long tour,
to keep dry !
Yes Sir, it has a rumble seat. I have always wanted to ride in one myself, but it looks like I may have to wait a while. I can't get anyone to drive it while I ride the rumble seat. Most of the younger generation don't drive a stick and even fewer grasp the concept of double clutching straight cut gears.

DWF Supporters
February 1, 2016

FINALLY got off my butt [a little slow now] and started working on my 73 Ford Grand Torino, pics I showed a
while back were from 90's. I got divorced and bought HD in 97 and found I had "BETTER" things to do
Did a few things here and there, last was OH trans and install higher stall torque converter. Drove it here
w/I moved in 04 and has not been ran since 2011 Started by draining some PRETTY and LOVELY
smelling green gas from tank and got carb apart, but getting somewhere BTW there's about 6K on eng.
Here's a reminder pic and some progress


DWF Supporters
February 1, 2016

AND when I get done w/mine, I get to do the same thing to my Mom's
66 T-Bird w/ 69K original miles, 390ci 315hp CRUISER, Have not had it running in about 5-6 yrs.
My Dad bought it in late 70's ?? And, yes those are Model T parts in background, and front gar.
is FULL of them also !! Oh and gotta work on the T sometime


Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

A friend had a 65 T-bird with the 390, a great powerplant and plenty powerful for the size of those old Thunderbirds. Always liked how the steering wheel slid away when you opened the driver door in order to make room for you to get in and out easily.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

DWF Supporters
February 1, 2016

I had a 63 Bird when I was a kid. Took engine out of buddy's grandma's 63 Monterey w/39K on it. Swapped intakes to 4bbl w/a Carter carb. Much lighter than 64-66. That car ran, I wrecked it in 85 and was in hosp. for 3 days and had to sign title over to pay for tow.
That Merc was a LAND YACHT ! The rear glass rolled down and you could climb out on the trunk. We snuck in 3 people into the drive in once 2 in the trunk and one on floor in back seat

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011

Sorry, couldn't resist. Sent to me by a long time mutual friend of mine and Steve. Both she and her husband ride BMWs.
A little 10-year-old girl was walking home, alone, from school one day, when a big man on a black motorcycle pulls up beside her. After following along for a while, turns to her and asks,
“Hey there little girl, do you want to go for a ride?”
“NO!” says the little girl as she keeps on walking.
The motorcyclist again pulls up beside her and asks, “Hey little girl, I will give you $10 if you hop on the back.”
“NO!” says the little girl again as she hurries down the street.
The motorcyclist pulls up beside the little girl again and says,
“Okay kid, my last offer! I’ll give you 20 Bucks and a big bag of candy if you just hop on the back of my bike.”
Finally, the little girl stops and turns towards him and screams out…
“Look Dad, you’re the one who bought the Honda instead of the Harley …YOU RIDE IT!!”
To the paranoid people who check behind shower curtains for murderers:
if you find one...what's your plan?

DWF Supporters
February 1, 2016

Was a nice ride Sat. about 100 miles 3 watering holes, and my buddy Beavers bought lunch !!
For you gear heads or do it yourselfers, Ever fight a front hub assembly rusted in the knuckle ?
Leave axle nut on and knock out lug stud, find a nut and bolt to fit in hole and push against
knuckle till it separates. Us old guys not fun to hammer too much lol
And on ball joint press [cheapo Harbour Freight], going back together the collars are too long.
I use a bearing race [think this is a old pinion bearing] to space tool. Works great !!


February 28, 2011

pete said
Was a nice ride Sat. about 100 miles 3 watering holes, and my buddy Beavers bought lunch !!For you gear heads or do it yourselfers, Ever fight a front hub assembly rusted in the knuckle ?
Leave axle nut on and knock out lug stud, find a nut and bolt to fit in hole and push against
knuckle till it separates. Us old guys not fun to hammer too much lol
And on ball joint press [cheapo Harbour Freight], going back together the collars are too long.
I use a bearing race [think this is a old pinion bearing] to space tool. Works great !!
WOW Pete! Where do you live, the bottom of the Pacific?!!!!!
I looked at those photos and thought that first. Then I saw OH and it all came back to me. Lived in PA before moving to FL. Dad had an old Durango that I'd work on from time to time. I'd slap the frame with a hammer before crawling under it. Let all the rust dust fall before I go under!

DWF Supporters
February 1, 2016

C5rider said
WOW Pete! Where do you live, the bottom of the Pacific?!!!!!
I looked at those photos and thought that first. Then I saw OH and it all came back to me. Lived in PA before moving to FL. Dad had an old Durango that I'd work on from time to time. I'd slap the frame with a hammer before crawling under it. Let all the rust dust fall before I go under!
N.E. Ohio !!! This truck sat most of the winter cause the heater core plugged up and he
drove his Jeep. Sitting up here helps NOTHING OUCH I got a Ford in my eye !!

February 28, 2011

pete said
C5rider said
WOW Pete! Where do you live, the bottom of the Pacific?!!!!!The last pic was, what was my clean floor !!
Here's a pic of my neighbor
OH yeah! Livin the dream for sure.
BTW, that looks like MY neighbor right after my dog got out and pooped in the middle of his yard. Only did it one time, but he pretty much runs on a "zero tolerance" mentality. He's retired and has time on his side. Place looks nice, he's even got stick on reflectors on his trash cans. Nice guy, awesome neighbor, just don't let your dog poop in his yard! LOL!

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011

pete said
Was a nice ride Sat. about 100 miles 3 watering holes, and my buddy Beavers bought lunch !!For you gear heads or do it yourselfers, Ever fight a front hub assembly rusted in the knuckle ?
Leave axle nut on and knock out lug stud, find a nut and bolt to fit in hole and push against
knuckle till it separates. Us old guys not fun to hammer too much lol
And on ball joint press [cheapo Harbour Freight], going back together the collars are too long.
I use a bearing race [think this is a old pinion bearing] to space tool. Works great !!
Having lived in Texas since 1989 yet growing up and spending my formative Gearhead days in Michigan, I feel fully qualified to diagnose this condition.
This is a definite case of chronic Great Lakes Iron Moss brought on by massive overdoses of winter saline road deicing products with inadequate under-body douching.
To the paranoid people who check behind shower curtains for murderers:
if you find one...what's your plan?

February 28, 2011

This is a definite case of chronic Great Lakes Iron Moss brought on by massive overdoses of winter saline road deicing products with inadequate under-body douching.
Well, uhhhhh....
I never had THAT talk with my mom, so I'm just gonna say you're right.......
No pics necessary. I'll just sit over here on the other side of the bar.... =)

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011

C5rider said
This is a definite case of chronic Great Lakes Iron Moss brought on by massive overdoses of winter saline road deicing products with inadequate under-body douching.
Well, uhhhhh....
I never had THAT talk with my mom, so I'm just gonna say you're right.......
No pics necessary. I'll just sit over here on the other side of the bar.... =)
Good God man your in FL, you aren't expected to know these rust belt personal auto hygiene issues!
To the paranoid people who check behind shower curtains for murderers:
if you find one...what's your plan?

DWF Supporters
February 1, 2016

16 years worth of lack of douching !!! You should see the rest of the jewel. And that stuff was the easy part.
3 shots w/the Flaming Nut Buster and the O2 sensor moves about 10mm. Soaking overnight and soaking the back of my throat w/cervesa, That always helps
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