
January 24, 2009

HarleySftl said
The original sheet metal is packed away in boxes and looks like this....95th Anniversary Edition.
That's great! I have a complete set of (currently discontinued) 1996 body pieces for the Aquamax stashed. I could currently sell them for about half of what I paid for the bike!
 But that's not happening.

DWF Supporters
February 1, 2016

Got to change up the routine last week. A cust. from down the road who I work on their cars came pushing his
71 Shovelhead down my drive. Just had engine overhauled and other things and. Drenched w/sweat said "it runs worse than
before OH"Â . I road it after checking point gap, still WAY rich in S&S carb. In short = hotter plugs, points & condenser and 5 sizes down on main jet and 1 on intermediate jet. He came back and said " It's has NEVER ran this good" !
$150.00 made him Real happy . Nice to see a happy biker/customer and I enjoyed the changeÂ
He's got dual plug heads [ forgot what brand, not S&S], small cam and stock 1200cc bored .050 over. I was impressed, it ran REAL good for a 1200Â



January 24, 2009

September 15, 2016

Attached is my 95 Ducati 900SS/CR, she is my baby. Also attached is my commuter 09 Kawasaki Versus. It is hands down the best commuter bike I have ever owned. The only commuter that came close was my '04 Buell XB12. Right now I can't ride because of the issues with my neck. It is too hard to wear a helmet at this time without the weight putting too much pressure on the nerves. Drives the wife nuts when I walk around the house trying to just wear my helmet.


DWF Supporters
February 16, 2013

February 29, 2012

Stinger said
Best dirt bike .. ever !!!
I really missed having a street legal Dual Sport Enduro, It's been a few years since I've had a plated one.
So I recently picked up a used Honda XR650L. Will be fun to drive both offroad and on road again.
My ex-wife used to really hate it when I'd park my old one in the house.
Doesn't get much simpler than a XR650L, and having an electric start is a nice perk. It still uses the same simple air cooled engine with pretty much no changes since 1993. Every couple of years they just change the color of the plastic. It's a neat package, but the stock metal 2.8 gallon tank obviously had to go.
Will give me something for me to look forward to, when the rain & snow season is over.
- Bullwolf

February 29, 2012

I still have a pair of old school 80's-90's 2 stroke dirt bikes on the farm. They don't see quite as much use as they did in my younger days though, when I hurt a lot less.
I'll run the YZ-WR up to the well occasionally, but the ATV, or tractor is more my speed these days. Too many broken bones in my youth. As I get older with bad knees and back, the electric start looks better and better.
I grew up doing top ends on 2 cycle dirt and street bikes. I remember Yamaha RD's and the Kawasaki triples were big at the time.
Took me a while to learn that using high end synthetic 2 cycle oils (like Red-line) gave a much longer maintenance window between top ends on 2-stroke Dirtbikes, Chainsaws, Jetski, and Street bikes.
I cracked a ring on my old 1979 RD 400 Daytona Special while using cheap oil.
I was using inexpensive Pennzoil 2 cycle oil at the time (and oil injection too) but Pennzoil was readily available at "high end" automotive stores like the Quickstop, 7-11 and the local Supermarket. Running pre-mix and synthetic 2 cycle oils, really extended my upper cylinder lifespans.
I've put in my time wrenching on old Iron Harley engines as well, mostly Shovel, and Pan heads.
My neighbor was getting rid of an old Harley Flat Head (1945 if memory serves) that I almost jumped on, but after working as a mechanic for so long, I just don't have it in me anymore.
My last Harley was a 1977 Shovel. I sold it to a gentleman from Germany, who shipped it back home.
I believe I sold my 77 Shovel around early 2000. I haven't had another big twin since. Really looking forward to riding the XR650L around the farm though.
I've owned a few used Dual Purpose bikes as well. A Yamaha XT600, Honda XL600, and Kawasaki KLR600. The KLR was the best (and heaviest) street bike out of the bunch, the XL was pretty much the best all around combo bike, and the XT600 was the prettiest too look at, but had the least amount of power out of the three.
The last XR I had around, was my ex wife's 1985 XR250. I sold it off quite a few years back. I think it's one of the red Honda's by the tree in this scanned pic of dirtbikes from the 1990's. The other red Honda is either a CR250R, or my CR500.
The Blue bike on the trailer was a 1984 Yamaha IT490, and the yellow one's a 1982 Suzuki RM 465. Good times.
- Bullwolf

December 13, 2016

My first street bike at 51 years old. I know it's a bit late in life to start but better late than n


January 24, 2009

Stinger said
I'd like to ride a Chicken .. just once !
And okay, if it must be done, I suppose I'd like to be there to witness such a feat.
This is me, and the Aquamax...on a fall ride circa 2006, taken by my wife a few years before she gained my EX status... I hated those damn white helmets, those were the ones I put communication systems into, for she and I. I often unplugged & claimed "system malfunction"...
...the Aquamax lost a few pounds after that. 🙂


DWF Supporters
February 16, 2013

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