DWF Supporters
July 22, 2018

February 28, 2011

Just found this topic. Not been on here much lately, as I've been busy with life, and, ridin' when I can. Lol.
Always liked the vintage vibe of the Honda Shadow AERO. Slobbered all over 'em when they were new, but couldn't afford them thanks to college and stuff. Then, one day my bro-in-law and I head over to the H-D dealer, just to look.... He winds up buying a Streetglide, and I noticed this AERO sitting out front, on life support (battery tender). I ask what they gotta have for it and the salesman replies, "He buys that Streetglide, I'll make a GREAT deal on this bike!"
I now own it, and have more than doubled the miles on the odometer. Got about 80,000 miles on it now. Needed a lot of work, and cleaning up, but don't we all?
Then, I get the itch for something a little more retro. Wouldn't you know it, this neglected Honda Shadow ACE comes my way. It had low miles, but had likely sat on the sunny side of a car-port, as one side was perfect, while the other side was ROACHED. Would love a vintage H-D, but it's not in the cards right now. So, I decided to "go-retro" with this one. Added some H-D fenders and a little bit of paint. Since it ran so good, I didn't touch the engine, save for a smaller (not ugly) air filter assembly. I've been putting miles on both equally and neither one has given me reason to hop off of 'em. Hope ya like 'em!

DWF Supporters
July 22, 2018

Dans Club
January 17, 2015

I haven't been around here much, I enjoyed seeing everyone's scoot here. Now that there is the long winter, it is many daydreams of riding until spring - which also means more range days!
I put about 20k per year on my 08 Road Glide. I'm tearing the cam chest open today and definitely replacing the lifters.

November 3, 2019

Had to stop to take the pic after backing it out of the garage as my wife wasn't crazy enough to join this little escapade! It was a slithery, skiddy ride as the stock tires on the Spyder are poo even when it's dry. Riding in the snow brings home the concept of the Spyder having a fair amount of snowmobile DNA on board.
Now, if only I could spoon a set of knobbys on for the winter...

Dans Club
January 17, 2015


January 24, 2009



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

February 28, 2011

Traded in the two Hondas a while back and picked up a Road King.Got it just the way I liked it. Sounded great too!
Then, a lady pulled out in front of me. Totaled it. So, I bought this!
It's an '05 Softail Springer. Pretty much scratches that vintage vibe itch for me!
Plus, it's got fuel injection, five speeds, and rides great!
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