It's hard to believe that it's once again time for the annual DWF Calendar contest! In an effort to increase participation this year there will be awards for the top 3 photos.
- 1st Place - Dan's Club membership and free calendar
- 2nd Place - 2 year site support and free calendar
- 3rd Place - 1 year site support and free calendar
If the winners are already site supporters they will have their membership extended.
To enter please upload your photos to this topic. You are welcome to post your submissions to this topic inspiring others to take some cool photos as well.
Here are the ground rules:
- All photos entered into the contest must be posted to this topic.
- Each member can submit up to 5 photos.
- Do not submit photos that were featured in a previous calendar.
- Deadline for photo submissions is October 31.
- Photos must feature Dan Wesson Revolver's, 1911's and/or accessories. Mitchell's and High Standard's can also be included but a Dan Wesson must also be in the picture.
- List model, caliber and place of manufacture.
- List any modifications made to the gun, if any.
When submitting your entries please create a separate post for each photo. This year I will be implementing a post rating system which will require individual posts for each photo. Please use the following naming convention when naming your photo files:
UserName_Model_EntryNumber.jpg An example would be Jody_745_01.jpg
By submitting a photo you are agreeing to all the rules and regulations outlined on the Calendar Contest Page.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009


DWF Supporters
December 16, 2010

DWF Supporters
November 2, 2017

Old and new style together.
It is my Dan Wesson 715 in .357mag with 8“ Barrel from Palmer and a Ruger Old Army Cap and Ball Revolver with 7,5“ Barrel.
Both in stainless.
Does not meet the intent of only DWs and Mitchell/ High Standard: "Photos must feature Dan Wesson Revolver’s, 1911’s and/or accessories. Mitchell’s and High Standard’s can also be included but a Dan Wesson must also be in the picture." but the picture is a good one... rwsem

DWF Supporters
November 2, 2017

So this is my 5. and last picture. It is my complete Dan Wesson Part collection (please belive me-It is not easy to geht these parts here in Germany)
It‘s my Dan Wesson Model 715 pistol pack in .357mag by Palmer, some selfmade very small grips, the selfmade shroud, speedloaders, holsters and a burris mount. I really like this gun.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

DWF Supporters
November 2, 2017

Andrew1220 said
.It is my model 715, Palmer made .357mag with 8“ barrel, selfmade shroud and customized grip.
I call It the SuperSport assembly.
Holy crap!!! That shroud is insanely cool!! Would love some more details on that.
Thank you! I will open a thread in „Grip making and Gun smithing“ in a few days. There I will Post more photos and some details about making this shroud.
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