November 3, 2010
I have made a list of my guns and included the serial numbers. I have let a few gun shops keep the list. Is it a bad idea to give all this information out? The list is for record purposes and insurance purposes and trying to keep track of the gun values.
Thanks in advance for your response,
January 22, 2008
I too keep a spread sheet of all my firearms, serial numbers, amount paid, special features and extras, where purchased from and, if sold, sale price and where it went. I keep a backup of the file on a memory stick and store is in one of my safes. I would never give this information out as there is a chance of it falling into the wrong hands. Like Jody says, I don't want others to know the extent of my collection. No one but myself and my wife knows all of what we have.
One of these days I'll link pictures of each firearm to it's respective listing in the spreadsheet.
May 17, 2010
I am trying to do the same.
I great tool but one that would work best on a "server" is a wiki. I love the wiki made by Screwturn. They have a "personal" one but it is old and not supported. I use thier server based one at work.
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B
January 24, 2009
I take pics of everything I have (probably too many pics ), and write down the corresponding serial numbers on a pair of redundant lists, stored separately. If there's a fire one day & my house is turned to rubble, the pics may help convince the insureance dude that there was at least something of value in there.
Nobody but me knows exactly how many firearms I have...nobody.
November 14, 2009
There are a lot of interesting thoughts here. I don't do any of that because I know Insurance companies are just a money making scam for someone else's pockets. I lost a very significant amount of tools and automobiles and a barn to a fire and got $2500 for it. Not near enough. But in hindsight, I like the memory stick idea best in the 3 hour fire rated safe idea best.
Happyness is a Hot DW and a pile of used brass!!! Rich
October 13, 2009
Jody said:
As a side note most Home Owners policies will only cover $5000 worth of firearms. Really doesn't take many guns to hit that mark!
I need to renew my personal articles policy!
Nobody but me knows exactly how many firearms I have…nobody.
Charge same here.
I have my Home Owners with State Farm, and my agent has assured me, that regardless of number of firearms, I will be covered under replacement clost. As a side note: in 1994 our house was robbed of about $12,000 worth of items. What I found about about replacement cost was this: we actually had to purchase like items. So if I had a camera stolen, I could replace it with a "like camera" Same with a gun, could replace it with a "like value gun" I felt that SF really treated us fairly. I think some policies pay out cash, but for the most part it is my understanding is, that policies reimbuse for "like items."
Tom Meservey, USN (Ret) Gun control, first grip the Dan Wesson in both hands……………
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 28, 2009
That could make reimbursement difficult or non-existant. If you can't buy a replacement in like condition because none are offered for sale, you get nothing. Also, I'll bet the insurance company determines what condition is a valid replacement.
My cameras are all insured for what I spent to purchase them. At least I get something and I get to choose the replacement.
January 24, 2009
zoommb said:
My cameras are all insured for what I spent to purchase them. Aty least I get something and I get to choose the replacement.
Is that through your home insurance?
I guess I'll have to ask about this subject next time I'm talking with my agent, so I'll have a better understanding of what to expect.
October 27, 2010
My dad was looking at this through our home insurance, cuz he has A LOT of handguns and there was a limit like $5000, which could be covered in about 3 or 4 guns. Apparently there is some sort of firearm insurance offerred through the NRA, might try looking into that if anything were to happen.
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 28, 2009
Charger Fan said:
zoommb said:
My cameras are all insured for what I spent to purchase them. Aty least I get something and I get to choose the replacement.
Is that through your home insurance?
I guess I'll have to ask about this subject next time I'm talking with my agent, so I'll have a better understanding of what to expect.
Yes. My agent said that they were all already covered except in the event of "mysterious disappearance" (meaning theft). So I made up a spreadsheet with all of the items with serial numbers and cost. That caused a real boost in my insurance cost.
I think I'm going to look into the NRA insurance too.
November 3, 2010
All great posts and ideas!!! Thanks and I'm going to look into the NRA insurance myself.
Back to the original question...it seems that there are only 2 reasons to NOT give out serial numbers:1. some jackwagon could try to claim it was their stolen gun 2. others may see your entire collection
Other comments...maybe doing a poll would be best thing ?
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