Dans Club
March 28, 2023

I was bidding on a couple of new guns and noticed this name i'm not aware of. (Mines HIGH STANDARD DAN WESSON GUY) This is just for me i'm not preaching to other members on how to bid or anything like that this is just my personal choice! I will step aside if any member is also bidding and really serious about a gun. If you see me with a bid most of the time i'm just throwing sauce against the wall to see if it sticks (looking for a bargain) but there are times where say we both really want a gun. I would rather step a side than run another member up so if you're after a gun I'm bidding on just send me a PM let me know. I have not seen Captainrod64 so if your here on the forum let me know. Again i'm not preaching to anyone else on how to go about your business so bid or conduct yourself however you see fit this is just for me. I have a couple of other members that we have a pact if I bid on something he will PM me and ask if I'm really serious and we discuss it (I will tell him i'm in to a price and if it goes over that price i'm out) he does the same for me so just a bit of communication we can make a deal. We even once both really wanted a certain gun and he bowed out and gave it to me and I made him a deal he would get first take on the next gun that came up with both wanted. It has worked out good for both of us since a bidding war is no good for either member. Just a thought for anyone and again not preaching to anyone on how to go about your business this is just for any member who may come up bidding on a item I am bidding on!
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