I have occasionally seen some or all of the extractor star with blueing on it when purusing GunBroker. One seller in particular(who often sells just the frames) seems to have a number of them. My guns always have an unblued and shiny star. I have suspected that some guns my be touched up with cold blue or even a felt tip pen. I could also be way off base. Any light you(sic) can shed on this mystery would be appreciated. Ole Dog.
January 24, 2009
Mine look like Mister Callahan's, too.
A couple of the unfired ones have some slight bluing in the bottom of of the machining grooves, which makes me think that the final "polish" was done when the extractor was fitted to the gun...maybe, just a guess.
After the gun has been fired a bunch, the grooves in the extractor get mashed flat, as the cylinder pounds the recoil shield. The recoil shield then develops a mirror image of the extractor star, along with an imprint on the case heads.
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