October 11, 2009
Some shooting buddies and I were talking about how Christmas has changed so much since we were kids. Those of us born in the 40's 50's and 60's. How Christmas trees went from a live tree with those huge screw in colored light bulbs to aluminum trees with the spotlight that had a rotating colored wheel to today's built in lighted artificial trees. How you could give a firearm as a Christmas gift to someone without having them file paperwork. At least in my state you have to. I remember getting a single shot 12 gauge H and R shotgun one year. A Ruger standard model .22 pistol when I turned 21. What joy I had with those. I remember in the 80's seeing an ad in Guns & Ammo magazine of a beautiful Christmas morning where a husband opens his gift and it's a Cobray Mac-10 9mm semi auto pistol. You don't see ads like that anymore. And probably never will again. I remember my Grandfather telling me how he bought a rifle for my uncle and had it delivered via mail order to him one Christmas. I remember buying stuff out of a catalog and mailing cash money. Remember when Dan Wesson made revolver's? Ah memories, they are the Ghost's of Christmas past.
January 24, 2009
Those were the days, certainly. In my state, we don't have to file paperwork if we give a gun as a gift...don't know how much longer that will last, hopefully forever! I keep asking my kids for a gun for Christmas, but they always pick lesser expensive items on my list...dang cheapskates!
I agree. I received my first gun, or so designated for me, but locked up, when I was five. It was when I was twelve that I received my first gun. Savage O/U 20 ga wit .22 mag on top. Later that year I got a 6x scope for the gun. I learned real fast to make sure the toggle on the trigger was on for the .220 mag, not the 20 ga when my eye was looking in that scope.
I took my first pheasant that year with the gun...and many smaller varmints using the magnum. I kept that gun for over thirty years.
If you're going to drink, don't drive. Don't even putt.
October 11, 2009
I remember those old .22 / 20 gauge over under guns. They were so cool. A cool gun I received one Christmas was a Charter Arms AR-7 survival rifle. I lit up brighter than our Christmas tree. My cousin got a Remington nylon 66. The small bore targets, soda pop cans and dirt clots we dispatched , what fun that Christmas was.
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